530 datasets found

Keywords: income

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  • Jeugdonderzoek Venlo 1999 - VSO

    Survey designed to gain insight in the life situation of the Venlo youth population in preparation of long-term policy planning. Themes: health / wellbeing and satisfaction /...
  • Dutch towns, 1674-1742

    This dataset was created to make a comparison between three tax registers from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries ('Klein Familiegeld 1674', 'Familiegeld 1715' and...
  • Aspecten van de levensloop van de Nederlandse bevolking, 2e tranche 1994 : ...

    P1195a: present cultural activities: spending leisure time / time spent at mentioned activities. P1195b: past cultural activities: spending leisure time at the age of 15, 21 and...
  • Mobility Mentoring in Alphen aan den Rijn

    This data set contains the data of clients who sought help from the municipality of Alphen aan den Rijn in 2017/2018 for problems on more than one of the following domains:...
  • Familie-enquête Nederlandse bevolking 2003

    Life course and life situation of the Dutch population. Family of origin, educational career, labor market career, family formation, residential career, income, religion,...
  • Familie-enquête Nederlandse bevolking 1992-1993

    The "Familie-enquête Nederlandse bevolking 1992-1993" ( Netherlands Family Survey 1992 - 1993 ) is a dataset on socio-economic characteristics and family background of spouses (...
  • Leefsituatie onderzoek, 1986 - LSO'86

    Survey concerning the living conditions in the Netherlands Housing conditions / work / employment of father-mother in the past / income / leisure activities / physical and...
  • CERRA II Seniorenpanel 1993/1995

    Panel study on the economic aspects of aging. First wave: both heads of household and partner have been questioned. Adjusted questionnaires for persons in employment, self...
  • Toekomst van de arbeid survey 1999

    Expectations of the Dutch population about work, care, and leisure in the 21st century. Expectations concerning: social developments, social problems and labour market trends;...
  • Aanvullend voorzieningen gebruiksonderzoek, 1999 - AVO 1999

    Use of a great number of social and cultural facilities in connection with characteristics of households and individuals. Adjustments and supplies for handicapped people in...
  • Sociale ongelijkheid in Nederland, 1996

    Attitudes on social inequality and the fairness of income as well as on social-economic characteristics and background. The survey contains the Dutch part of two different...
  • Nationaal Scholierenonderzoek 1999 - NSO'99

    Survey among pupils of secondary schools with a great number of detailed questions about their income, consumption patterns, and labour. Living conditions at school and at home...
  • Familie-enquête Nederlandse bevolking 2009

    Life course and life situation of the Dutch population: family of origin, educational career, labor market career, family formation, income, religion, values, leisure time...
  • Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1998 - CV'98

    Trend study on changes in general opinions, values and beliefs and attitudes of the Dutch population. The survey contains variables from the International Social Survey...
  • Huishoudens in Nederland 1995 - HIN'95

    A survey of the composition, characteristics and internal organization of Dutch households, with particular emphasis on married and cohabiting couple relationships. Education...
  • Minder werk, minder geld 1978

    Opinion concerning less work, less income/ willingness to create more work for the unemployed. Employment / unemployment / financial situation / inflation / taxes / social...
  • Niet opgeven maar werken 1985

    Inventory of black economy and orientation on developments of formal and informal economy in the last few years. Health insurance / number of employers in the last 10 years /...
  • Sectoral composition and the effect of education on wages 1992 : An internati...

    Survey data from the ICS archive combined into a new dataset. Differences in the impact of education on labourmarket outcomes in different countries and settings. Education,...
  • Omnibusonderzoek Nieuwegein 1999 - VSO

    Survey among inhabitants of Nieuwegein Services of the municipality / housing situation / cultural facilities / leisure and social network / the new city centre / work and...
  • Rechtvaardigheidscriteria en inkomensongelijkheid 1987

    Criteria for justification of income differences Job characteristics / satisfaction with income / income distribution in the Netherlands / income from jobs or social welfare /...
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