Mesozooplankton abundance from net APRIL-2000-K2mockness
The samplings of zooplankton were taken with the Mockness net. The type of tows was oblique. The Mockness net is comprised of nine nets that have mesh size 200_m, its mouth area... -
Mesozooplankton abundance from net APRIL-2000-K1mockness
The samplings of zooplankton were taken with the Mockness net. The type of tows was oblique. The Mockness net is comprised of nine nets that have mesh size 200_m, its mouth area... -
Mesozooplankton long-term time-series at the fixed coastal station in the Gul...
Identification and counts of specimens were performed on aliquots (20-25%) of entire samples by using the Huntsman beaker subsampling technique (Van Guelpen et al., 1982;...