Hydrothermal vent sediment bacterial communities from Southern Trench, Guayma...
Chains of large sulfur bacteria (LSB) and adherent epibionts from hydrothermal sulfide chimneys and mounds sediments in Southern Trench, Guaymas Basin -
Environmental controls on microbial community structure in hydrothermal sedim...
Environmental controls on bacterial, archaeal, and fungal community structure in hydrothermal sediments of Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California -
Sorted cell/s from Southern Trench hydrothermal vent sediment, Guaymas Basin,...
Sorted cells from Southern Trench hydrothermal vent sediment, Guaymas Basin, Mexico -
Hydrothermal plume metagenome (viral genomes)
The objective of random shotgun metagenomic sequencing at the Eastern Lau Spreading Center (Lau Basin) is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the microbial community... -
Sorted cell/s from Southern Trench hydrothermal vent sediment, Guaymas Basin,...
Sorted cells from Southern Trench hydrothermal vent sediment, Guaymas Basin, Mexico -
Niche partitioning of diverse sulfur oxidizing bacteria at hydrothermal vents
In the dark ocean primary production is carried out by chemolithoautotrophic microorganisms, with the oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds being a major driver for microbial... -
Sorted cell/s from Southern Trench hydrothermal vent sediment, Guaymas Basin,...
Sorted cells from Southern Trench hydrothermal vent sediment, Guaymas Basin, Mexico -
Hydrothermal vent sediment bacterial communities from Southern Trench, Guayma...
Chains of large sulfur bacteria (LSB) and adherent epibionts from hydrothermal sulfide chimneys and mounds sediments in Southern Trench, Guaymas Basin -
Axial Seamount 18S rRNA gene amplicons Raw sequence reads
Tag-sequencing effort targeting the microbial eukaryotic component of the hydrothermal vent community at Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Includes samples from low... -
Hydrothermal vent sediment bacterial communities from Southern Trench, Guayma...
Chains of large sulfur bacteria (LSB) and adherent epibionts from hydrothermal sulfide chimneys and mounds sediments in Southern Trench, Guaymas Basin -
Diversity of prokaryotic community at a shallow marine hydrothermal site eluc...
To investigate the prokaryotic community structure and composition in an active hydrothermal site, named Black Point, off Panarea Island (Eolian Islands, Italy), we examined... -
Hydrothermal vent sediment bacterial communities from Southern Trench, Guayma...
Chains of large sulfur bacteria (LSB) and adherent epibionts from hydrothermal sulfide chimneys and mounds sediments in Southern Trench, Guaymas Basin -
Hydrothermal vent microbial mat bacterial communities from Southern Trench, G...
Chains of large sulfur bacteria (LSB) and adherent epibionts from hydrothermal sulfide chimneys and mounds microbial mats in Southern Trench, Guaymas Basin -
Hydrothermal vent microbial communities from Guaymas Basin, Mexico - 4571-419...
Hydrothermal vent microbial communities from Guaymas Basin, Mexico -
Santorini volcanic complex chimneys and mats Targeted Locus (Loci)
In this project we use pyrosequencing to study the microbial ecology of the of the Santorini volcanic complex with samples from the outer layer of hydrothermal chimneys and from... -
Sorted cell/s from Southern Trench hydrothermal vent sediment, Guaymas Basin,...
Sorted cells from Southern Trench hydrothermal vent sediment, Guaymas Basin, Mexico -
Microbial epibiotic community of the galatheid squat lobster Munidopsis alvisca
The basis for life at hydrothermal vent sites is provided by chemosynthetic primary producers that provide substrates for heterotrophic microorganisms and generate biomass for... -
Hydrothermal vent sediment bacterial communities from Southern Trench, Guayma...
Chains of large sulfur bacteria (LSB) and adherent epibionts from hydrothermal sulfide chimneys and mounds sediments in Southern Trench, Guaymas Basin -
Sorted cell/s from Southern Trench hydrothermal vent microbial mat, Guaymas B...
Sorted cells from Southern Trench hydrothermal vent sediment, Guaymas Basin, Mexico -
Microbial communities in a deep-sea hydrothermal vent chimney structure
In deep-sea hydrothermal fields, unique minerals, called chimney structures, are formed by the interaction between seawater and vent fluids. Chimney structures represent...