Further investigation of the methanol to gasoline reaction over ZSM-5 using INS
The reaction of methanol to form hydrocarbons over zeolite catalysts is an important option for conversion of natural gas or coal to liquid fuels. We have shown previously... -
Understanding the properties of nucleobase functionalized nanostructures
We have recently prepared a number of new nucleobase functionalised polymers which undergo interesting and unexpected self-assembly. We hope to use SANS to explore further the... -
Magnetic excitations in binuclear and mononuclear Ni(II) complexes
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Investigation of phosphatidylcholine and its interaction with 1,2 propandiol ...
The aim of the present study is to use neutron diffraction enhanced with isotopic substitution and subsequent computer simulations to determine the head group solvation of a... -
Phase behaviour and dielectric phenomena in bismuth niobate energy storage ma...
Bismuth niobate (BiNbO4) is widely used in multilayer RF and microwave components such as capacitors and chip layer capacitors. This compound exhibits two main structural forms... -
Local structural disorder in the ion conducting complex oxide CeNbO4+d
Complex oxides within the family CeNbO4 have been shown by single crystal x-ray studies to have superstructured average structures, but little detail has been obtained about the... -
Control of oil exchange dynamics in microemulsions by amphiphilic copolymers
A very important property of O/W microemulsions is the exchange dynamics of the oil molecules. So far little is know about that, despite the fact that its control is crucial for... -
Neutron diffraction analysis of alpha- and beta-polymorphs of nanoscale metal...
The hydroxides Me(OH)2 of the bivalent transition metals Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Cd and Zn play critical roles as sorbents, catalysts or reductants in many environmental and... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study on the Spin-Lattice interaction in the Spi...
AB2O4 is one of the most investigated systems due to the interaction between electron, spin, orbital, and lattice, which lead to the anormal physical properties:a) the orbital... -
Homogeneous nucleation in phosphate-based glassy precursors to fast-ion condu...
The structure of the phosphate materials Na_{1+x}Ge_{2-x}Al_x(PO_4)_3 with x = 0, 0.4 and 0.8 will be investigated using high real-space resolution neutron diffraction. In the... -
Characterisation of layered double perovskite electrode materials for Solid O...
The research on new anode materials for solid oxide fuel cell is extremely important for its potential to overcome the drawbacks of current state of the art anodes. In this... -
Probing bulk heterojunction (BHJ) thin films with graded morphologies using SANS
This projects aims to contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between processing conditions, active layer morphology and device performance in polymer solar... -
Determination of the location of molecular hydrogen trapped within a metal-or...
An interesting In(III)-framework has been synthesized at the University of Nottingham by the group of research of Martin Schroder. This metal-organic framework is based on... -
Magnetic proximity effect and in-plane correlations in amorphous CoAlZr/FeZr ...
The purpose of this project work is to establish a broader understanding of the magnetic proximity effect observed in a magnetic amorphous multilayer. This will be achieved by... -
Local structure variation of polar nano-regions in ultrahigh piezoelectric re...
Relaxor ferroelectrics are a class of locally disordered crystals possessing peculiar structure and electrical properties. The solid solution of a relaxor perovskite and PbTiO3... -
Texture Analysis in HCP and Cubic Materials for Validation of Spatially Resol...
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Nuclear quantum dynamics across the structural phase transition in an organic...
Inspired by the calorimetric and dielectric properties studies on a novel organic anitferroelectric compound, dtBBP - CLA , this proposal seeks to compare and extend the... -
Structural changes in a non-covalent open porous framework - ionic liquid ele...
The aim of this project is to understand the influence of an applied electric potential on the structure of a porous non-covalent network-based electrode in the presence of an... -
Shaping silica to mesoscale architectures at room-temperature
Hierarchical zeolites with molecular order at both the micropore (<2nm) and mesopore (2-50nm) level are able to combine confinement effects in catalysis without suffering... -
Lensing the triple-point of ferroelectric Ba(Ti0.8Zr0.2)O3−(Ba0.7Ca0.3)...
We propose to study the phase diagram of a lead-free piezoelectric material consisting of a tricritical triple point where anomalous enhancement of the physical properties have...