Ontology of Experimental Events
The Ontology of Experimental Events (OEEv), characterises events that occur during an experiment, e.g. dates of sowing, application of a given treatment, harvesting,... -
70 highly validated SNP markers for Quercus ilex
70 highly validated SNP markers for Quercus ilex developped from ddRAD-Seq data following Garcia et al., 2018. PCR primer sequences and single base extension primers for... -
Impact of hybrid and consanguinity depression on reproduction and early growt...
This dataset is issued from a study of the impact on reproduction and early growth of hybrid and consanguinity depression in second-generation hybrid larch. Twenty-one... -
Datasets reporting s-PLSDA results and gene ontology enrichment of proteins i...
The sPLS-DA results report the plots and correlation circles of proteins from plasma and milk of dairy cows. The Gene Ontology (GO) dataset provided functional annotations of... -
R package alm : Automated Landscape Mapping
R package 'alm' : R code and associated shiny application dedicated to the automated mapping of landscapes. The package 'alm' allows users to select and combine layers of... -
High throughput phenotyping of seeds from Beta vulgaris genotypes
Dataset obtain by high throughput phenotyping of seed morphology, germination and seedling heterotrophic growth traits on a sugar beet population of genotypes. -
Survey data on European organic multi-species livestock farms
While there is increasing evidence of the sustainability benefits of diversified systems in the organic cropping sector, this has been much less investigated with organic... -
Farming intensity indirectly reduces crop yield through negative effects on a...
In this study we estimated direct and indirect contributions of farming intensity (soil management, pesticide use and fertilisation) and landscape heterogeneity (of semi-natural... -
Data from "Brush border peptidase activity and intestinal transepithelial pas...
For many years it was believed that only amino acids, dipeptides and tripeptides could be absorbed and reach the bloodstream. Nowadays, the bioavailability of oligopeptides is... -
French RMQS soil profile and monitoring dataset with related management pract...
This dataset corresponds to a datamart produced by the WP2 team of the Landmark H2020 project. 2 tables provided by France are available: One table of fact-gathering the... -
MeatPartTool Software
These files are the .exe and .dmg of the MeatPartTool software. These files allow to run the software dedicated to the calculation of allocation factor for meat and meat... -
Biorefinery Ontology
This work presents a domain ontology based on the Process and Observation Ontology PO2 (http://agroportal.lirmm.fr/ontologies/PO2), dedicated to the representation of... -
CPMG data of cooked apple
This dataverse contains the set of CPMG decay curves data aimed at investigating change in water distribution in apple cellular compartiments during thermal processing. Topspin,... -
Enabling reusability of plant phenomic datasets with MIAPPE 1.1 - Supplementa...
Spreadsheet file for the iBET cork oak dataset, accompanying the Enabling reusability of plant phenomic datasets with MIAPPE 1.1 paper -
RPG complété 2018 département 07
RPG complété 2018. Complète le RPG campagne 2018 pour le département 07. (contient les parcelles agricoles hors RPG) Données géographiques (vectorielles, shapefile),... -
RPG complété 2018 département 84
RPG complété 2018. Complète le RPG campagne 2018 pour le département 84. (contient les parcelles agricoles hors RPG) Données géographiques (vectorielles, shapefile),... -
DROPS maize genotyping elaborate dataset
These three dataset correspond to three elaborate genotyping matrix after filtering and imputation published by Negro et al., (2019) in BMC Plant Biology:... -
Calcul d'indicateurs agroécologiques
Ce dataset se compose de trois fichiers : "FlorealData" qui est une base de données qui regroupe 768 espèces prairiales de Midi Pyrénées avec leurs attributs issus de la... -
Data for: Economical optimization of a breeding scheme by selective phenotypi...
This dataset supports the study of Bensadoun et al. about multi-trait genomic prediction of bread making quality. It includes genotypes and phenotypes of the winter wheat lines. -
GrazeGrassBiodiv: set of indicators to evaluate how grazing by livestock and ...
This dataset contains the FisPro configuration files that implement a set of indicators to evaluate how grazing by livestock and grassland management can help preserving...