A dataset on odor intensity and odor pleasantness of 222 binary mixtures of 7...
This dataset gathered data collected on a set of 222 binary mixtures, based on a set of 72 odorants chiefly found in food, rated by 30 selected and trained assessors for odor... -
Metadata from common gardens of the Forest Genetics Network for Research and ...
GEN4X (forest genetics network for research and experimentation) is a French network of forest tree common gardens which compare genetic units of varied types (species,... -
Dissecting the control of shoot development in grapevine: genetics and genomi...
A F2 population consisting of 337 individuals was derived from the inter-specific cross of V. vinifera cv. Cabernet-Sauvignon (CS) x V. riparia cv. Riparia Gloire de Montpellier... -
RPG complété 2019 département 18
RPG complété 2019. Complète le RPG campagne 2019 pour le département 18. (contient les parcelles agricoles hors RPG) Données géographiques (vectorielles, shapefile),... -
Assessment of a Food Consumption DataBase enrichment method using Ciqual, USD...
This dataset contains data used to assess a method designed to implement Food Consumption DataBase (FCDB) enrichment task and associated results for a given use case. This use... -
RPG complété 2018 département 17
RPG complété 2018. Complète le RPG campagne 2018 pour le département 17. (contient les parcelles agricoles hors RPG) Données géographiques (vectorielles, shapefile),... -
Données des croissances des génisses élevées au distributeur automatique de l...
L’expérimentation-système mise en place sur l’installation expérimentale (IE) de l’unité de recherche INRAE ASTER de Mirecourt est un dispositif mené à l’échelle de... -
International Bank for the Glomeromycota
Arbuscular mycorrhiza is a mutualistic symbiosis between the majority of land plants and fungi from the phylum Glomeromycota. The fungi are obligate symbionts and cannot be... -
RPG complété 2018 département 42
RPG complété 2018. Complète le RPG campagne 2018 pour le département 42. (contient les parcelles agricoles hors RPG) Données géographiques (vectorielles, shapefile),... -
Physical properties of aqueous solutions of fructo-oligosaccharides and refer...
This dataset contain the composition and physical properties of aqueous solutions of fructo-oligosaccharides produced as part of the PREMIUM project, compared to reference... -
Dataset of a two-year field experiment on the dynamics of Zymoseptoria tritic...
The data and the R scripts that support the findings of this study -
tree bending tests
Rubber tree bending tests provided by T. Fourcaud (CIRAD) -
Replication Data for: TCLS study in Vendee, France
Two datasets are provided. They were developed to simulate and assess sustainability and resilience of scenarios of exchanges between arable and livestock farms, i.e. scenarios... -
RPG complété 2018 département 15
RPG complété 2018. Complète le RPG campagne 2018 pour le département 15. (contient les parcelles agricoles hors RPG) Données géographiques (vectorielles, shapefile),... -
Réduire les fuites de nitrate au moyen de cultures intermédiaires
En application de la directive Nitrate et en réponse aux conclusions du Grenelle de l'Environnement, la généralisation de la couverture automnale des sols dans l'ensemble des... -
Annotation data about Multi Criteria Assessment Methods used in Plant Health ...
This data article contains annotation data characterizing Multi Criteria Assessment Methods proposed in the scientific literature by INRA researchers belonging to the Plant... -
Exome capture genotyping data on the pea Architecture Multi-Stress collection...
In the context of Work Package 3 of the PeaMUST project , Genotyping data obtained by exome capture on a 240 accessions pea germplasm panel (AMS collection). -
RPG complété 2018 département 61
RPG complété 2018. Complète le RPG campagne 2018 pour le département 61. (contient les parcelles agricoles hors RPG) Données géographiques (vectorielles, shapefile),... -
Data and code to estimate the quantity of molecular extractives along the for...
Below is a user manual for scientists who want to reproduce the results provided by Pichancourt et al., (XXX to be added when accepted for submission) - Step 1 - Download and... -
RPG complété 2019 département 36
RPG complété 2019. Complète le RPG campagne 2019 pour le département 36. (contient les parcelles agricoles hors RPG) Données géographiques (vectorielles, shapefile),...