Major and trace element composition of clinopyroxenes from an olivine gabbro ...
Major and trace element profiles of clinopyroxene grains in oceanic gabbros from ODP Hole 735B have been investigated by a combined in situ analytical study with ion probe, and... -
(Table 8.10) Geochemistry in surface sediment during cruise BP02
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Electron microprobe data of carbonate fluorapatite pellets from the Phosphate...
This dataset comprises laser ablation ICPMS trace element data of microcrystalline carbonate fluorapatite and individual peloids (phosclasts) of the granular phosphorites from... -
Laser ablation ICPMS trace element data of microcrystalline carbonate fluorap...
This dataset comprises laser ablation ICPMS trace element data of microcrystalline carbonate fluorapatite and individual peloids (phosclasts) of the granular phosphorites from... -
Sample locations and whole rock geochemistry for phosphorite samples from the...
Sample information and whole rock major and trace element geochemistry of the phosphorite samples analysed in this study (data from Valetich et al., 2022) -
Raw XRF data of piston sediment core Lake850-Core2-2019 from Lake 850, Sweden
Data contains elemental composition (Al, Si, P, S, Ar, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ge, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Te, Ba, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Er, Tm, Yb, Hf,... -
(Table T1) Geochemical composition of dolerites from ODP Leg 180 sites and sa...
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Dissolved neodymium (Nd) isotope compositions and rare earth element (REE) co...
Nearly half the inflow of warm and saline Atlantic Water (AW) to the Arctic Ocean is substantially cooled and freshened in the Barents Sea, which is therefore considered a key... -
XRF core scanning results of Core LU18-2
Results of the XRF core scanning of sediment core LU18-2. Measurements were performed using an ITRAX-XRF core scanner (Cox Ltd., Sweden) equipped with a Cr-tube set to 30 kV and... -
X-ray fluorescence, grain-size and loss-on-ignition for core core RL02 from R...
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X-ray fluorescence, grain-size and loss-on-ignition data for core RL01 from R...
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(Table 2) Neodymium contents and isotope compositions in fossil fish teeth fr...
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(Appendix A2) Strontium isotope ratios and concentrations of fish teeth, fora...
Age 1 based on nannofossil biostratigraphy (Peirce et al., 1989, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.121.1989) and converted to Cande and Kent (1995, doi:10.1029/94JB03098) using Mead... -
(Appendix A4) Strontium isotope ratios and concentrations of fish teeth of OD...
Sr of foraminifera see Mead and Hodell (1995) data set: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.55541. Sr data of fluid see Egebert (1990) data set: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.708180 -
Neodymium isotope ratios of fish teeth from ODP Site 113-689 (Appendix A)
Long-term records of neodymium (Nd) isotopes from sedimentary archives can be influenced by both changes in water mass mixing and continental weathering. Results of Nd isotopic... -
Rare Earth Element concentrations of fish debris from ODP Site 119-744
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(Table 1) Geochemical composition from the Bravo Lake Formation, Nunavut in C...
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High-resolution neutron diffraction studies of novel calcium niobate-based py...
This proposal is to determine high quality structural models using Rietveld analysis for the pyrochlore phases CaLnTr0.5Nb1.5O7 (Ln = La, Nd, Ho, Yb and Tr = Al, Sc, Cr, Mn, Fe,... -
Geochemistry of sediment core BDP-1-A (BDP93-1)
Major and trace elements in the 100 m drilling core samples from Lake Baikal have been determined by ICP-AES (inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry), ICP-MS... -
Trace element composition of concretions, ICP–MS measurements
In order to get a complete geochemical signature, 14 P-rich concretions, chosen among the different cores, were acid digested (Table 3a and Table 3b). In a clean laboratory, 1.7...