A new version of the grapevine reference genome assembly (12X.v2) and of its ...
Abstract:The dataset comprises 12X.v2 grapevine reference genome assembly and its VCost.v3 gene annotation in Genbank format. The 12X.v2 chromosome assembly is based on the... -
Development of a new version of the grapevine reference genome assembly (12X....
Abstract:The dataset comprises (i) two excel files describing in details the SY x GR, CH x BI and the RI x GW genetic maps and the markers that were used to order and orient the... -
Gestion des connaissances en agroécologie
Agroecology knowledge management is an application ontology for the description and organization of knowledge to design innovative crop systems. format:xml/rdf -
Environment Ontology for Livestock
The EOL ontology describes environmental conditions of livestock breeding. It includes feeding modalities, the structure of breeding systems and their environment. format:OWL/XML -
Animal Trait Ontology for Livestock
ATOL (Animal Trait Ontology for Livestock) is an ontology of characteristics defining phenotypes of livestock in their environment (EOL). ATOL aims to: - provide a reference... -
Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L) phenotypic data from the multiannual, mult...
Abstract:Winter wheat phenotypic data from a French experimental network. It includes observations for different characters (agronomic, quality, disease, phenology,…) on more... -
OntoBiotope is an ontology of microorganism habitats. Its modeling principle and its lexicon reflect the biotope classification used by biologists to describe microorganism... -
Caractéristiques physico-chimiques des sols en semis direct sous couvert. Enq...
Les informations contenues dans ce jeu de données correspondent aux résultats d'analyses de sol effectuées sur des parcelles agricoles d’un réseau de 62 agriculteurs en... -
RPG complété 2018 département 38
RPG complété 2018. Complète le RPG campagne 2018 pour le département 38. (contient les parcelles agricoles hors RPG) Données géographiques (vectorielles, shapefile),... -
RPG complété 2018 département 65
RPG complété 2018. Complète le RPG campagne 2018 pour le département 65. (contient les parcelles agricoles hors RPG) Données géographiques (vectorielles, shapefile),... -
Frimouss Kiwi
Fruit features : Fruit growth has been measured from anthesis to harvest on plants with regular crop load. The anthesis date have been observed in order to describe the data... -
RPG complété 2018 département 71
RPG complété 2018. Complète le RPG campagne 2018 pour le département 71. (contient les parcelles agricoles hors RPG) Données géographiques (vectorielles, shapefile),... -
Beet Ontology
This ontology was built as part of the AKER project. It describes variables used in beet phenotyping (experimental properties and measurement scale) for each institution (INRAE,... -
RPG complété 2018 département 73
RPG complété 2018. Complète le RPG campagne 2018 pour le département 73. (contient les parcelles agricoles hors RPG) Données géographiques (vectorielles, shapefile),... -
Data from: Sequence Imputation from Low Density Single Nucleotide Polymorphis...
This dataset includes analysis files for the paper "Sequence Imputation from Low Density Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Panel in a Black Poplar Breeding population" -
Bioinformatic and statistical scripts for "Fort et al. 2020. Maternal effects...
This dataset contains R-scripts to analyse the diversity and composition of seed fungal communities (Fort et al. 2020. Maternal effects shape seed fungal communities in Quercus... -
Data associated with "Food and habitat supplementation promotes predatory mit...
This dataset gathers the raw results of four experiments performed on the predatory mite Neoseiulus cucumeris, with different kinds of supplementations, in laboratory (two... -
Microfiltration itineraries annotated from the scientific litterature includi...
This dataset includes microfiltration itineraries annotated from the scientific litterature including both a heat treatment and a microfiltration unit operations. -
RPG complété 2019 département 89
RPG complété 2019. Complète le RPG campagne 2019 pour le département 89. (contient les parcelles agricoles hors RPG) Données géographiques (vectorielles, shapefile),... -
A dataset for traits of 250 maize hybrids of a diversity panel: plant archite...
This dataset presents the results of four experiments carried out in the platform PhenoArch with 250 hybrids of the dent diversity panel of DROPS/Amaizing. Corresponding...