Hydrochemistry of water bottles during Maria S. Merian cruise MSM72
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Hydrochemistry of water samples during MedSHIP cruise Talpro
The TAlPro cruise (Palermo - Barcelona, RV Angeles Alvariño, 18/-8/2016 - 29/08/2-16) occupied three hydrographic transects across the Tyrrhenian Sea, the western Mediterranean... -
Experiment: changing carbonate chemistry influence on coccoliths formed by Em...
The coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi is a marine phytoplankton species capable of forming small calcium carbonate scales (coccoliths) which cover the organic part of the cell.... -
Deep water reconstructions in core NEAP 4K (Supplementary Table 1)
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Carbonate system calculations of sediment core SBB2012DB from the Santa Barba...
These data are in association with a study conducted in the Santa Barbara Basin, California, USA that were used to develop a 20th century record of ocean acidification in the... -
(Table S1) Hydrography of sediment trap CARIACO_Trap samples
Water depth for carbonate system 0-130 m (samples in 1, 7, 15, 25, 35, 55, 75, 100, 130 m). -
Nutrients in porewater of sediment profile M42/2_433
Total carbonate (Ct) concentrations were determined on-board ship during Discovery 222 (leg A) nd 226 cruises, using colourmetric methods (Johnsson et al., 1987) with a... -
Nutrients in porewater of sediment profile M42/2_432-1
Total carbonate (Ct) concentrations were determined on-board ship during Discovery 222 (leg A) nd 226 cruises, using colourmetric methods (Johnsson et al., 1987) with a... -
Nutrients in porewater of sediment profile M42/2_425
Total carbonate (Ct) concentrations were determined on-board ship during Discovery 222 (leg A) nd 226 cruises, using colourmetric methods (Johnsson et al., 1987) with a... -
Nutrients in porewater of sediment profile M42/2_397-1
Total carbonate (Ct) concentrations were determined on-board ship during Discovery 222 (leg A) nd 226 cruises, using colourmetric methods (Johnsson et al., 1987) with a... -
Mg/Ca ratios of Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi of sediment core MD03-2707 (120-13...
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Chemical river data from drained loess areas
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Area-normalized shell weight (ANSW) averages of Globigerina bulloides from se...
These data are in association with a study conducted in the Santa Barbara Basin, California, USA that were used to develop a 20th century record of ocean acidification in the... -
Southern and Middle Urals lakes hydrochemistry
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Dynamic storage of glacial CO2 in the Atlantic Ocean revealed by boron [CO32-...
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Seawater chemistry and irradiance during different light and pCO2 treatments
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(Table 2) Carbonate content in surface sediments of the Ceara Rise
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(Table 4) Stable carbon and oxygen value of Kultak fossil site
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(Table 4) Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios of Hoeglundina elegans from Indonesia surfac...
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(Table 3) Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios of Hoeglundina elegans from Hawaii surface s...
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