(Table 4) Chemical composition from sediment core sampled in lake Oksana, sub...
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(Table 2) Isotopic composition and ratios of ore and tailings
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(Table 3) Chemical composition from sediment core sampled in lake Dauriat, su...
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(Table 1) Concentrations, enrichment factors and isotopic compositions of epi...
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Delta 66Zn ratios and age of carbonates from ODP Site 138-849 (Table 1)
The carbonate fraction of sediment core ODP 849, leg 138, located in the eastern equatorial Pacific, mostly consisting of coccoliths, was separated and analyzed for its Zn... -
Zn isotope composition in the water column of the Northwestern Pacific Ocean
This dataset is raw data for the article titled 'Zn isotope composition in the water column of the Northwestern Pacific Ocean: the importance of external sources' currently...