Quantum and thermal critical scaling in XY-dipolar antiferromagnet LiErF4
We have established the material LiErF4 as a dipolar antiferromagnet with planar anisotropy, exhibiting both classical and quantum phase transitions. Where, thermal transition... -
Uncovering the tension-compression asymmetry of low stacking fault FCC alloys...
A certain type of alloys, with face-centered-cubic (FCC) structure and medium to low stacking fault energies (SFE), can trigger the formation of multiple twins (mechanical... -
Cationic surfactants adsorbed to titanium dioxide-effect of pH and added elec...
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is used in a wide range of applications from medical and dental implants to treatment of contaminated air and water streams. However many of the... -
Interaction of amino acid based biosurfactants with model lipid bilayers
N-acyl amino acids are surfactants with attractive applications in different technological fields. They are referred to as mild surfactants because they are commonly considered... -
Deformation mechanisms of a newly developed Ni-base superalloy at cryogenic t...
Haynes 282 is a novel Ni-base superalloy, combining excellent weldability and general processability with moderate cost. As such, it is very promising for e.g. industrial gas... -
Magnetic study of the new skyrmion-carrying material CoZnMn
Nanoscale magnetic skyrmions are swirl-like magnetisation entities that satisfy topological quantisation conditions. They can therefore not be easily unwound into another... -
Deforming TWIP steels at cryogenic temperatures
Dense mechanical twins and phase transformation are the most attractive athermal transformation processes since they can endow alloys with significant strength enhancement as... -
quantitative dark field imaging using Larmor labelling
We will determine whether a neutron technique called dark field Lamor imaging can provide quantitative information about the spatial distribution of small inhomogeneities in... -
impact of mutlivalent counterions on surfactant adsorption
We request NR beam time on SURF to study the impact of multivalent counterions on the surface adsorption of alkyloxyethylene sulfate surfactants and alkyloxyethylene sulphate /...