Measurement of gravitation-induced quantum interference
We propose to perform accurate measurements of the quantum gravitational effect on OffSpec. This proposal is a continuation of the proposal from 2011 (RB 1120061) and the lost... -
An off-specular neutron scattering study of the 'peristaltic mode' in the dew...
We plan to use the OFFSPEC SPIN-Echo reflectometer to study the mechanism of the 'peristaltic mode' in the spinodal dewetting of thin polymer films. In the peristaltic mode the... -
Measurement of gravitation-induced quantum interference
We propose to perform accurate measurements of the quantum gravitational effect for OffSpec. We would like to investigate if a similar discrepancy between quantum system gravity... -
Interlayer coupling in YIG/NiO/Pt trilayers
The spin Seebeck effect is able to convert a temperature gradient into a spin current. Many potential applications exist for the field of spintronics, which use these spin... -
Satisfying the need for contrast in antimicrobial research
Gram-negative bacteria, which cause a variety of diseases including meningitis, plague, sepsis and food poisoning, are becoming increasingly antibiotic resistant. One reason is... -
PNR study on the exchange bias propagation in the FM/AFM/FM trilayer with a t...
Today, a number of technological devices, such as the readout sensor in the hard disc drive, have used the exchange bias (EB) effect, which arises in a... -
Neutron Reflectivity Study on Multi-domain DNA Molecular Motors
DNA is a versatile building material for nanotechnology. We have recently studied a surface-tethered single-domain DNA motor by neutron reflection (IR) for the first time. We... -
Investigation of interface magnetic structure of Gd/Co multilayer
Rare Earths (REs) - Transition Metals (TMs) multilayers have a great importance in modern magnetism because of their unique properties due to their 4f orbitals: perpendicular... -
Structure of AOT layers at the sapphire water interface ¿ avoiding an isotope...
Several interesting results have emerged in studies of Aerosol-OT at the sapphire/solution interface that relate to effects of counter-ions, insensitivity to pH as well as the... -
Partial structural study at the oil-water interface
In our previous experiment we determined a value for the interfacial width of bare hexadecane-water interface. The NR-determined width was 6.0 ± 1.0 Å, which compares well with... -
Analysing the chemical surface of Perfluoropolyether-Polydimethyll Siloaxane ...
The objective of this experiment is to use neutron reflectivity to study the surface structure and determine chemical depth profiles of Perflouropolyether-PDMS films in air and... -
Characterising the corrosion/inhibition mechanisms of iron in different envir...
Offshore structures such as wind turbines and oil rigs generally comprise steel structuresessentially ferritic ironand are extremely prone to corrosion, a problem that causes... -
Structural characterization of a new multicomponent membrane (gCN/PTI mixed w...
Proton exchange membranes are essential components of devices where is required to transport H+ while blocking the flow of other ions and molecules used as reactants. The most... -
GiSANS measurement probing the separation of colloidal structures from the in...
Controlling self-assembly of colloidal particles to create ordered structures over large areas has attracted considerable attention due to the low cost and wide variety of... -
Hydrogen Embrittlement in Metals Deposited from Deep Eutectic Solvents
We propose to study the composition of metallic films of Cr, Co & Ni using specular NR measurements during electrolytic growth in deep eutectic solvent media in order to... -
Measuring hydrogen gradients in amorphous silicon thin films for photovoltaic...
This experiment addresses the role of hydrogen in determining both quality and stability of surface passivation materials for silicon solar cells. Surface recombination causes... -
Probing the wetting transition in a semiconducting liquid crystal thin film b...
The aim of this experiment is to study the nucleation and molecular layer-by-layer growth of a 'thin film' (TF) phase at the buried substrate interface of thin films of fully... -
Neutron reflectivity for lithium battery SEI formation
We will use neutron reflectivity to probe the formation of the passivating layer which forms on lithium battery electrodes, which ultimately governs their long term performance.... -
Galvanostatic Dissolution of Multilayer Metal Systems in DES Studed using Eve...
Here we propose a study that will contribute to the final challenges of PhD training programme (Emma Palin). We will study the electrochemical dissolution of a bi-metallic films... -
Ion Layering at the Graphene Electrode Surface for Supercapacitors
This proposal aims to combine the approaches of several successful recent neutron reflection studies by our group to directly measure ion layering at electrode surfaces. In this...