Spontaneous surface multilayer formation in oligoamine ¿ surfactant mixtures
This proposal is part of a major EPSRC (EP/GR065705)/Unilever funded programme to develop and control the spontaneous formation of surfactant multilayer structures at... -
Quantum critical points in relaxor-type ferroelectric tetragonal tungsten bro...
Quantum Critical Points in ferroelectrics, where the transition temperature is very near absolute zero, are of significant current interest, with publications in Nature-family... -
Texture measurements in Electron beam welded dissimilar steel to Al joints sa...
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Nanostructure in Ionic Liquid mixtures
In recent SANDALS experiments, we showed that simple ionic liquids (ILs) ethylammonium nitrate (EAN) and ethanolammonium nitrate (EtAN) are structurally hetereogeneous, with... -
Multilayering of Methyl Ester Sulphonates at the Air-Aqueous Interface: Effec...
Surfactants usually form a single layer of molecules at the surface of water. We have shown that under certain conditions more than one layer may form. When this happens the... -
Investigation of magnetic phase coexistence and determination of magnetic pha...
The solid solution Mn(1-x)Fe(x)WO4 exhibits complex antiferromagnetic order with coexistence of commensurate and incommensurate magnetic structures. Furthermore, the MnWO4 end... -
The Effect of the Head Group on Multilayering of Alkanoic Alkyl Ester Sulphon...
We have shown that under certain conditions multilayer adsorption of surfactants occurs at the air-water interface. in which case the system becomes a powerful wetting agent (it... -
Structure and Dynamics of the Liquid-Solid Transition in amphiphiles with hyd...
An unusual series of amphiphilic molecules that form surface films on water have been investigated using a combination of Langmuir¿Blodget, ellispometric, and non-linear laser... -
API-DES: improving drug solubility with deep eutectic solvents
Improving the efficiency of existing drugs is currently one of the major goals of pharmaceutical industries. Rather than developing new drugs, which requires new clinical... -
Charged nanogels and their ability to penetrate model lipid membranes
Drug delivery through the skin is an important route for administration of therapeutic agents. However, the outermost layer of the skin, the stratum corneum provides a... -
Impact of Stereochemistry and Diamine Structure on Absorption of Constructed ...
Chiral gemini surfactants containing stereogenic centers and two amphiphilic moieties, not only maintain the chiral properties, but also exhibit stronger aggregation properties,... -
Effect of Temperature on the Transbilayer Structure of a Model Erythrocyre Me...
In recent years, it has become understood that rather than being homogenous mixtures, biomembranes show a complex phase behaviour, with regions of uniform phases, and others... -
Interfacial conformation of antibody and antigen binding capacity
Antibody-antigen binding has been extensively used in many technological applications such as immunoassays, chemical analysis and bionanotechnology. The crucial element... -
A depth-resolved study of magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroic PMN-PT/FeR...
Multiferroic systems allow the modulation of magnetic properties through electric potentials. Advances in engineering atomic interfaces of heterogeneous thin-films have enabled... -
Proton vibrational dynamics in pristine and nano-confined ammonia borane stud...
In the proposed experiment ammonia borane (NH_3BH_3) will be investigated through incoherent inelastic neutron scattering on TOSCA at low temperature. Since it is well known... -
True symmetry of correlated Dirac and Weyl semimetal candidates CeSbSe and Ce...
We have recently performed a magnetic neutron scattering study at WISH to understand the unusual metamagnetic behaviour of the Dirac semimetal candidate CeSbSe. Unexpectedly,... -
Spin-Lattice Coupling in a Frustrated Antiferromagnet
Frustrated magnetic materials are interesting because they show unusual behaviour arising from a near-degeneracy of ground states. The magnetic order of MgCr2O4 - apparently... -
Vibrational properties of ammine complexes
Our intention is to study the INS spectra of ammine complexes nNH3LiBH4 (with n = 1,2,3,4) and nNH3LiI (n=1). Ammine complexes (MXm(NH3)n), amides (M(NH2)m), and imides... -
Effect of calcium ions and ionic strength on model bilayer structure
Calcium ions have been shown in a preliminary experiment to have a dramatic effect on the thickness and structure of free supported bilayer films. In this proposal we... -
Kinetics and growth mode of aggregation phenomena inside polymer brushes
We will use time-resolved specular neutron reflectivity measurements to follow the in-situ growth of polymer brushes by surface-initiated ATRP. This will enable us to determine...