Non-magnetic impurities in a strong-leg spin ladder
Th S = ½ AF spin ladder is one of the most important models in quantum magnetism. While its properties throughout the (H,T)-phase diagram may be considered to be well understood... -
LET commisioning
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Non-magnetic impurities in a strong-leg spin ladder
Th S = ½ AF spin ladder is one of the most important models in quantum magnetism. While its properties throughout the (H,T)-phase diagram may be considered to be well understood... -
Magnetic excitations in the new S = 1/2 kagome antiferromagnet and quantum sp...
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Cu-ion mobility and lattice dynamics in the liquid-like phase of Cu2Se
Thermoelectricity enables the conversion of waste heat into useful power, and it is becoming increasingly important for power recovery applications at high temperature, where... -
Low energy spin dynamics of the stoichiometric heavy fermion CeRuSn3
Heavy fermion systems situated close to a quantum critical point present very rich physics due to the dominant Kondo interactions. Our investigations on the Kondo lattice heavy... -
Field-induced z=2 quantum criticality of a 1D quantum magnet
During recent years, the study of T=0 quantum phase transitions (QPT), the emergent scaling properties and their profound influence on physical properties at T>0 has... -
Commissioning PIGLET
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INS investigation of post-pressurised Cs2CuCl4
Cs2CuCl4 has been extensively studied using neutron scattering, and has revealed a quantum spin liquid phase below 2.8 K with antiferromagnetic interactions, and long range... -
INS study of the exchange couplings and magnetic anisotropies in Ni(II), Mn(I...
SQUID magnetometry is the first and most trivial step when studying magnetic systems. However reliable conclusions can only be made in cases of very simple systems. When the...