Measuring hydrogen gradients in amorphous silicon thin films for photovoltaic...
This experiment addresses the role of hydrogen in determining both quality and stability of surface passivation materials for silicon solar cells. Surface recombination causes... -
Single-Crystal Neutron Diffraction Study on [U(C5Me5)2(H)(mu¿H)]2
To our knowledge, the length of the U¿H single bond has never been accurately measured, at least not in a molecular compound by single-crystal neutron diffraction. We currently... -
Pressure-temperature phase diagram of of the Jahn-Teller transition in LaMnO3
The parent compound LaMnO3 of the hole-doped colossal magnetoresistance materials La1-xAxMnO3 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba etc.) has attracted much interest from condensed matter scientists.... -
W I F David - Energy Project
W I F David - Energy Project -
Influence of compressive stress and electric field on the shape memory effect...
The proposed experiment involves monitoring the depolarisation behaviour of rhombohedral PZT (lead zirconate titanate) ceramics caused by ferroelectric domain switching during...