High pressure behaviour of the cubic NTE material Cd(CN)2
Cubic cadmium(II) cyanide shows the most pronounced isotropic NTE effect known, with behaviour more than twice as extreme as that of better known materials such as ZrW2O8.... -
In Situ neutron diffraction of liquid gallium at elevated pressure
Gallium has a low melting point and forms a liquid just above room temperature. The melting curve has a negative slope and when pressure is applied room pressure phases will... -
Investigation of magnetic phase coexistence and determination of magnetic pha...
The solid solution Mn(1-x)Fe(x)WO4 exhibits complex antiferromagnetic order with coexistence of commensurate and incommensurate magnetic structures. Furthermore, the MnWO4 end... -
Dynamic Long Range Antiferromagnetic Order in Frustrated Perovskites, Ba2-xSr...
We use chemistry to arrange unusual crystal structures that set up conflicting interactions between magnetic ions in the material. In these compounds i is not possible for a... -
LET commisioning
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MuSR study on optically injected electronic spin in GaAs
In the field of semiconductor spintronics, n-type GaAs has been utilized as a prototype system, where one can inject electronic spin and study its behavior with optical... -
Interaction of amino acid based biosurfactants with model lipid bilayers
N-acyl amino acids are surfactants with attractive applications in different technological fields. They are referred to as mild surfactants because they are commonly considered... -
Structures of metastable water ice XVII with different guests molecules
Very recently, we have studied the crystalline structure of the C0-phase H2-filled ice (recovered at room pressure and low temperature) and ice XVII, a new form of ice... -
Temperature driven spin incoherence and criticality in the Luttinger liquid p...
We propose an experiment on the low energy spectrometer LET to study temperature effects on the Luttinger liquid (LL) phase on the spin ladder geometry. The spin ladder material... -
Effect of pressure-transmitting medium on the phase transformation of para-am...
The pressure-transmitting medium in a high-pressure experiment is usually thought of as an inert medium that allows the sample to be compresses rather than crushed. In organic... -
Understanding the formation of diamonds: Calibrating the coesite solid-inclus...
Diamonds provide our only direct samples of the very deep Earth and understanding their origin is consequently of great interest to Earth Scientists. The origin of diamonds can... -
Low Temperature Magnetic, Thermoelastic and Structural Behaviour of Antiferro...
We propose to study the low temperature structural and magnetic changes in three clinopyroxene phases FeGeO3, CaNiSi2O6 and CaCoSi2O6. All three phases order... -
Inelastic neutron scattering in the Ce3Co4Sn13 heavy Fermion compound
We propose to use the OSIRIS spectrometer to measure the inelastic magnetic scattering on the newly discovered heavy Fermion compound Ce3Co4Sn13. This compound has one of the... -
Multinuclear Radiofrequency Decoupling in Lithium Hydroxide
This proposal seeks to develop the technique of multinuclear RF decoupling and apply it to the study of lithium ion mobility in Lithium Hydroxide. Key to the understanding of... -
Nature of guest-host interactions in novel porous carbon materials
The goal of this proposal is to investigate the nature of the guest-host interactions in novel porous carbide-derived carbon (CDC) using TOSCA. The advantage of porous carbons... -
Pressure-induced structural and magnetic transitions in honeycomb ruthenate A...
Honeycomb ruthenates (Ru4+, 4d4) with strong spin-orbit coupling are expected to host unconventional magnetic ground state owing to a spin-orbital-entangled Jeff = 0 state. The... -
Crystal Structures of Multiferroic MnWO4: HRPD
Multiferroic materials are rare and exceptional: they are ferroelectric and ferromagnetic in the same phase and these two properties can couple. Recently, materials with complex... -
High Longitudinal Field Relaxation in LiYHoF4
We have observed an anomalous monotonically increasing longitudinal field relaxation rate in LiY_(1-x)Ho_xF_4 for applied fields above 1000 G (along the c-axis) and at a... -
High pressure polymorphism in ammonium bicarbonate, (ND4)DCO3
In an earlier high-pressure survey of the P,T phase diagram of deuterated ammonium carbonate, we observed changes in the neutron powder diffraction patterns that are consistent... -
RF MuSR in the gas phase: the Search for a Radical State
The main spectroscopic technique for studying radicals in solids and liquids, ESR, cannot usually be used to study radicals of more than 3-5 atoms in the gas phase due to strong...