Amorphous Micrometre-Sized Water Ice Particles for Planetary Science Experime...
We request 5 days on NIMROD to characterise the pressure and temperature dependent properties of amorphous icy particles generated in liquid ethane, as they will be used in... -
Is Zeolite Deactivation Through Pore Blocking?
Zeolites are porous framework materials that have active catalytic sites inside narrow channels. Unwanted reactions create coke in the pores which may block access to the active... -
Does elastic twinning play a role in the thermal expansion behaviour of polyc...
We request two days of beam-time on POLARIS to obtain high resolution measurements of the thermal expansion of dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2]. The experiment forms part of a larger... -
Thermal expansion and simultaneous Raman spectroscopy of methanol ammoniates,...
We have recently determined the structures of methanol-monoammoniate, and Me-hemiammoniate from neutron powder data. These are found to have different degrees of C-H...O... -
Solvation structure of propane/propene in [C4mim][NTf2] ionic liquid - II
There are great energy costs associated with the separation of the light olefins (ethylene and propylene) from mixed hydrocarbon gas feeds. These olefins (obtained from natural... -
Neutron Scattering, Agricultural Wastes, Concrete & Water mobility: What can ...
In recent years, the research related to agricultural wastes aiming to evaluate their potential for recycling as well as the elimination of the landfills increased dramatically.... -
Dynamical Transitions in the Ogg Glasses
We request 4 days on IRIS to study the temperature dependance of the structural dynamics in amorphous sodium-ammonia (Na-NH3). This will be the first investigation of the... -
Pressure response of CoMnSi: an anisotropic metamagnet with giant magnetoelas...
We wish to use elastic (this experiment) and inelastic neutron scattering (experiments on MARI and MERLIN submitted in this round) as an approach to quantify the change in... -
magnetic excitation in square lattice 2D heisenberg antiferromagnet Sr3Fe2O6.5
Oxygen doping in Sr3Fe2O7-x is of special interest because it allows us to continuously tunethe magnetic interactions and dimensionality in a strongly correlated system.... -
Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering of Green Dioptase to Unravel the Motion of t...
Green dioptase is a naturally occurring mineral, that has a deep green colour, similar to that of an emerald, and with a chemical formula of CuSiO3.H2O. The Cu lies in quasi-1D... -
Investigation of the Dynamic Mechanism of Reflectin Color Change by QENS
Reflectin, so named because of its high refractive index, is a protein expressed exclusively in cephalopods and forms reflectors responsible for dynamic iridescence and... -
Me-ND311BD4: a temperature dependent study of its crystal structure and decom...
We request 4 days on HRPD with the IGAn apparatus to follow the structural changes of Me-ND4 11BD4 as a function of temperature. The high resolution of HRPD will allow us to... -
Correlation of structure and magnetic ordering with composition in layered co...
We propose to use OSIRIS to determine the magnetic structures of a series of cobalt oxysulfides containing Co in square planar coordination. Several compositions... -
Dynamics in Flexible Organic Multi-ferroics using Low Energy Neutron Scatteri...
Flexible functional materials are important candidates of current research, because of their potential applications in plastic electronics. Organic ferroelectrics and... -
QENS studies of the interaction of propene with ZSM-5
Fluidised Catalytic Cracking (FCC) units are one of the major conversion units in modern petrochemical refineries. ZSM-5 additives are used in FCC units to convert gasoline... -
Combining Molecular Dynamics Simulations with QENS to improve the current wat...
The structure and dynamics of water molecules in the presence of non-trivial confinement in porous systems has always created a lot of interest, both from an experimental and... -
Local structure study of multiferroic region of cupric(II) oxide
Cupric(II) oxide (CuO) has recently found to be both antiferromagnetic and ferroelectric in temperature region from 213 K to 230 K. This high temperature multiferroic material... -
Low temperarature structure of Sr2CoO2Cu1.85S2
This proposal aims to exploit the superior flux on the upgraded HRPD coupled with the intrinsic high resolution to examine the differences between a sample of Sr2CoO2Cu1.85S2... -
Texture memory and variant selection for steel and titanium and zirconium alloys
The proposed experiment will focus on determining the level of texture memory and variant selection on both heating and cooling for steel and titanium and zirconium alloys with... -
Neutron Diffraction study of Highly Frustrated SrEr2O4
We propose to measure the neutron diffraction pattern of a single crystal sample of SrEr2O4, using the WISH diffractometer. As the magnetic Er ions in this compound are linked...