High pressure behaviour of ammonium carbamate
A number of compounds crystallise in the NH3-H2O-CO2 ternary system, including ammonium carbonates and carbamates, these being closely related to the water-deficient compound... -
High-pressure studies of energetic co-crystals and salts
This proposal will explore the effects of elevated pressures and temperatures on the structures of an energetic co-crystal containing nitroguanidine (NQ)and an energetic salt... -
High pressure behaviour of the cubic NTE material Cd(CN)2
Cubic cadmium(II) cyanide shows the most pronounced isotropic NTE effect known, with behaviour more than twice as extreme as that of better known materials such as ZrW2O8.... -
Ionization of Neutral Shallow Donor Muonium in beta-Ga2O3
We propose RF-MuSR experiments focused on confirming the two shallow Mu donor states tentatively observed in single crystalline beta-Ga2O3 samples. This material is a candidate... -
Investigation of magnetic phase coexistence and determination of magnetic pha...
The solid solution Mn(1-x)Fe(x)WO4 exhibits complex antiferromagnetic order with coexistence of commensurate and incommensurate magnetic structures. Furthermore, the MnWO4 end... -
Dynamic Long Range Antiferromagnetic Order in Frustrated Perovskites, Ba2-xSr...
We use chemistry to arrange unusual crystal structures that set up conflicting interactions between magnetic ions in the material. In these compounds i is not possible for a... -
LET commisioning
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Temperature driven spin incoherence and criticality in the Luttinger liquid p...
We propose an experiment on the low energy spectrometer LET to study temperature effects on the Luttinger liquid (LL) phase on the spin ladder geometry. The spin ladder material... -
Dynamical Landscape in Cat-Anionic Vesicles: Effect of Multi to Unilamellar T...
Vesicles have spheroid structures composed of bilayers of amphiphilic molecules and widely used as models of cell membranes and as carriers for controlled drug delivery.... -
Low Temperature Magnetic, Thermoelastic and Structural Behaviour of Antiferro...
We propose to study the low temperature structural and magnetic changes in three clinopyroxene phases FeGeO3, CaNiSi2O6 and CaCoSi2O6. All three phases order... -
Longitudinal relaxation measurements in the ferromagnetic phase of the superc...
We aim to perform zero and longitudinal field muon spin relaxation measurements in order to investigate anomalous spin dynamics effects observed in EuFe2(As1-xPx)2 with x=0.20... -
Inelastic neutron scattering in the Ce3Co4Sn13 heavy Fermion compound
We propose to use the OSIRIS spectrometer to measure the inelastic magnetic scattering on the newly discovered heavy Fermion compound Ce3Co4Sn13. This compound has one of the... -
Multinuclear Radiofrequency Decoupling in Lithium Hydroxide
This proposal seeks to develop the technique of multinuclear RF decoupling and apply it to the study of lithium ion mobility in Lithium Hydroxide. Key to the understanding of... -
Pressure-induced structural and magnetic transitions in honeycomb ruthenate A...
Honeycomb ruthenates (Ru4+, 4d4) with strong spin-orbit coupling are expected to host unconventional magnetic ground state owing to a spin-orbital-entangled Jeff = 0 state. The... -
Low energy excitations in solid 4He
The atoms in solid helium are weakly bound and have small mass so that the overlap of their wave functions (zero point motion) is large, making it a quantum solid close to the... -
Revealing the Structure behind the Synergistic Phase Behavior of the Ternary ...
The aim of this collaborative proposal is to unravel micro- and nano-structures underlying unusually high solution viscosities from mixed surfactant systems. SANS is a unique... -
Commissioning PIGLET
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Non invasive characterization though neutron diffraction of ancient Indonesia...
The keris is the distinctive weapon of Malaysia and Indonesia. It is found in a variety of forms but, typically, it is an elongated dagger or short sword of slender proportions... -
Correlation of structural parameters with electrocaloric performance in (Ba,S...
Kay objectives: measurements of Ti-O bond lengths and Ti-O-Ti angles in a series of (Ba,Sr,Ca)TiO3 perovskites and correlate with the observed variation of Tcs of the FE-PE... -
Dynamical Signatures of Quantum Spin Ice in Tb2Ti2O7
We propose the first neutron scattering experiment on the frustrated magnet Tb2Ti2O7 in the presence of a magnetic field along [111]. This will allow us to uncover signatures of...