The impact of synthetic perfumes on surfactant self-assembly.
This proposal is part of a broad collaboration between Oxford, CCLRC, and Unilever in the study of surfactants and mixed surfactants at interfaces and in solution. This is an... -
Molecular Mechanistic Processes of Complexation between DNA and Cationic Copo...
We have previously used LOQ to identify the complex (polyplex) structures formed between a short single strand DNA and a cationic diblock copolymer MPC30-DEA60. The SANS... -
Solution aggregation of short peptide amphiphiles
Short peptide sequences consisting of hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acid units are capable of self-assembly to lead to interfacial adsorption and solution nano-aggregation.... -
Kinetic Study of the Mechanistic Complexation Process Between DNA and Cationi...
We propose to use the new SANS2d to study the dynamic structural evolution in the couse of the formation of DNA-cationic polymer complexes. The dynamic process and the mixing... -
Neutron Reflection Studies on Adsorption of Myristoyl-L-Carnitine at the Air/...
The acyl-L-carnitines are a group of novel surfactants. Following our recent home laboratory work to synthesize, purify and characterize them, the aim of this proposal is to... -
Lipid bilayers suspended beneath the air/water interface for neutron reflecti...
Bacterial membranes contain safety valves called mechanosensitive ion channels, which protect the bacterium from changes in the osmotic pressure of their environment. However,... -
Optimisation of Experimental Conditions for the Study of Anionic Self-Assembl...
We have developed a Self-assembled floating supported membrane sample system comprised of unsaturated phospholipid bilayers held ~1nm from a PEGylated charged alkane thiol SAM... -
Kinetics of amphotericin B interaction with model human and fungal cell membr...
The increasing incidence of pathogenic fungi resistant to treatment with amphotericin B (AmB) has created a demand for novel anti-fungal agents. The successful development of... -
Antibiotic paths through the bacterial outer membrane: The strange case of va...
Gram-negative bacteria, which cause a variety of diseases including meningitis, plague, sepsis and food poisoning, are becoming increasingly antibiotic resistant. One reason is... -
Organization of mitochondrial membranes upon oxidative stress: Impact on apop...
Mitochondria are not only the powerhouse of the cell, but are also involved in cellular suicide via apoptosis (programmed cell death). The mitochondrial apoptotic pathway is a... -
Exchange kinetics of complex coacervates core micelles
Coacervates have been studied for a long time for their unusual properties: they are dense networks of charged polymers that are soluble in water. Instead of flocculating when... -
Comparative Interaction Studies of Antimicrobial Agents on Floating Asymmetri...
The outer membrane (OM) of Gram-Negative bacteria (GNB) is an asymmetric structure which contains complex lipids known as lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) on the outer surface. LPSs... -
Structure of a cationic polyelectrolyte adsorbed at an oppositely charged sur...
Adsorption of a charged polyelectrolyte onto an oppositely charged substrate is important for the understanding of many natural molecular events as well as for the development... -
Interaction of polypeptide with surfactant on the surface of water
This proposal constitutes part of our ongoing study towards understanding the adsorption of collagen based polypeptide and its interaction with ionic surfactants at the...