Dynamical Transitions in the Ogg Glasses
We request 4 days on IRIS to study the temperature dependance of the structural dynamics in amorphous sodium-ammonia (Na-NH3). This will be the first investigation of the... -
Excitation spectrum of the quantum critical S=1/2 ladder material Ba2CuTeO6
Ba2CuTeO6 is a recently discovered S=1/2 spin ladder system containing Cu2+ ladders. Our experiments indicate that it is extremely close to the theoretically predicted quantum... -
Quasi-elastic Neutron Scattering Studies of Diffusion in Mordenite Catalysts ...
This proposal will use QENS to investigate the diffusion of propane and methylacetate in mordenite zeolite catalysts used for the carbonylation of dimethylether to make... -
Spin anisotropy of Seff=1/2 triangular rare-earth based antiferromagnets
The rise of quantum materials observed in the past decades has been a source of great excitement for condensed matter scientists, with the flourishing of new concepts and... -
Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering of Green Dioptase to Unravel the Motion of t...
Green dioptase is a naturally occurring mineral, that has a deep green colour, similar to that of an emerald, and with a chemical formula of CuSiO3.H2O. The Cu lies in quasi-1D... -
Investigation of the Dynamic Mechanism of Reflectin Color Change by QENS
Reflectin, so named because of its high refractive index, is a protein expressed exclusively in cephalopods and forms reflectors responsible for dynamic iridescence and... -
Me-ND311BD4: a temperature dependent study of its crystal structure and decom...
We request 4 days on HRPD with the IGAn apparatus to follow the structural changes of Me-ND4 11BD4 as a function of temperature. The high resolution of HRPD will allow us to... -
Correlation of structure and magnetic ordering with composition in layered co...
We propose to use OSIRIS to determine the magnetic structures of a series of cobalt oxysulfides containing Co in square planar coordination. Several compositions... -
Dynamics in Flexible Organic Multi-ferroics using Low Energy Neutron Scatteri...
Flexible functional materials are important candidates of current research, because of their potential applications in plastic electronics. Organic ferroelectrics and... -
QENS studies of the interaction of propene with ZSM-5
Fluidised Catalytic Cracking (FCC) units are one of the major conversion units in modern petrochemical refineries. ZSM-5 additives are used in FCC units to convert gasoline... -
Combining Molecular Dynamics Simulations with QENS to improve the current wat...
The structure and dynamics of water molecules in the presence of non-trivial confinement in porous systems has always created a lot of interest, both from an experimental and... -
Critical evidence for/against FLPs in metal oxides: Does H2 split on In2O3 Na...
The critical evidence for/against FLPs in metal oxides is to establish wheter an adsorbed H2 molecule becomes dissociated across adjacent In and O sites on the surface. To probe... -
Pressure-induced proton migration in an energetic co-crystal
The results of these studies will provide valuable information on the effects of extreme conditions on the structures of an energetic salt and co-crystal formed between... -
Local structure study of multiferroic region of cupric(II) oxide
Cupric(II) oxide (CuO) has recently found to be both antiferromagnetic and ferroelectric in temperature region from 213 K to 230 K. This high temperature multiferroic material... -
Low temperarature structure of Sr2CoO2Cu1.85S2
This proposal aims to exploit the superior flux on the upgraded HRPD coupled with the intrinsic high resolution to examine the differences between a sample of Sr2CoO2Cu1.85S2... -
The crystal structure and thermal expansion of orthorhombic NiSi
NiSi is a technologically important material that is also of interest to Earth Scientists because of the possible role of Ni and Si in the Earth¿s core. It crystallises in the... -
Magnetic order in two pyrochlore iridates
Iridium oxides are of interest because many novel magnetic phases have been predicted in crystals, depending on the geometry of the crystal lattice. Our proposal concerns two... -
Examining Hydration Dynamics and the Glass Transition Behaviour of Keratin Fi...
Proteinwater interactions establish and shape the thermodynamic landscape that governs the folding, structure, stability, mechanics and activity of proteins, and thus... -
Neutron Diffraction study of Highly Frustrated SrEr2O4
We propose to measure the neutron diffraction pattern of a single crystal sample of SrEr2O4, using the WISH diffractometer. As the magnetic Er ions in this compound are linked... -
In-situ hydrogen decomposition studies of ammonia borane and the diammoniate ...
Ammonia borane (AB) is one of the most promising hydrogen storage materials. We have extensively studied the low temperature behaviour of this material This proposal asks for 3...