Micro-, Meso-, Macro- Structure and Dynamics of Biocompatible Dental Glass Io...
Glass Ionomer Cements (GICs) have found numerous applications as bone fillers, replacements and adhesives, particularly in dentistry due to their tooth like appearance and... -
Investigations of atomic and intermediate-range structure in model membranes
This proposals aims to investigate the atomic and intermediate range structure in model membrane environments. By beginning with a disperse system of a phosphocholine lipid in... -
Interaction of Chiral Amino Acids and Sugars with Hydrated Vermiculite Clay
This proposal aims to provide an atomistic understanding of the adsorption of chiral amino acids and sugars on mineral surfaces using isotopically labelled reagents. Our... -
Characterisation of Zeolite Precursor Gels Over Wide Q Range
Our objective is to determine new structural information about the structure of amorphous silicate gels formed early in the synthesis of crystalline, microporous zeolites. This... -
Understanding the liquid structure of binary ionic liquids
This proposal aims to extend our understanding of ionic liquid structure and determine the effect of a short and long alkyl chain length ionic liquid on the nanoscale... -
Multiscale studies of crystallisation in synthetic polymers
We wish to exploit the unique capability of Nimrod to move forward the long standing issue of the way in which long chain polymers crystallise. For synthetic polymers there are... -
Multiscale studies of crystallisation in stereoregular polypropylenes
We will exploit the unique capability of NIMROD to bring new understanding to the way in which long chain polymers, specifically stereoregulqr polypropylenes, crystallise. There... -
Atomic and pore structure of amorphous zeolites
We will investigate a series of amorphised zeolitic solids and determine the short and medium range order structures and more importantly the nature of pore-size when we go from... -
Characterisation of Precious Metal Hydrous Oxide and Hydroxide Compounds
Approved proposal under the ICRD Scheme Proposal ICRD0003 -
Probing the structure of titanium silicates over a wide range of length scales
Titanium silicates are important for a number of applications such as ultra low expansion glasses, anti-reflective thin film coatings and catalytic materials. Titanium silicates... -
Spatial, Chemical, and Temporal Resolution of Platinum-Catalysed Benzene Conv...
This proposal aims to study the potential for neutron diffraction to offer spatially-, chemically-, and temporally-resolved information on a dynamic system, in this case the... -
Investigation of the structure of self-assembling peptide fibrils using neutr...
A consortium of several UK universities and industries has been set up, based at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, to investigate ¿Length-scale bridging in... -
Solvent density fluctuations and H-bonding between solute molecules in superc...
Supercritical CO2 is an interesting medium for supercritical fluid extraction of aromatic molecules, due to the low temperatures and pressures needed to the process. Methanol is... -
Total scattering study of the interactions of ammonia borane adsorbed in MCM-41
We ask for 4 days on NIMROD to study the atomic- and intermediate-range order of ammonia-borane (AB) intercalated into mesoporous MCM-41. Ammonia borane is one of the leading...