The mechanism of CO oxidation over PdO.H2O
The aim of the present proposal is to investigate the mechanism of CO oxidation over hydrous palladium oxide, both directly and indirectly. For the direct route, the sample will... -
Manipulating surface adsorption of SLES surfactants using temperature
Although surfactant detergency is well understood above 30 C, actions of surfactants below 30 C are not well established. In the era of energy saving and environment caring, we... -
Interactions of de Novo Designed Antimicrobial Lipopeptides with Model Leafle...
In this work, we propose to exploit the unique capability of neutron reflection (NR) to study the structural changes of multi-component lipid monolayer models mimicking... -
CuH: a continuing (nearly) 200 year old problem (TOSCA)
CuH was first prepared by Wurtz in 1844 by the reaction of aqueous copper sulfate with hypophosphorous acid. Several other routes have been developed including precipitation of... -
Structural investigation of nano sized CeO2 and ZnO systems
We will investigate bulk and nano size ceria and zinc oxide prepared by solvothermal methods to determine the defect chemistry associated with these solids. We will use neutron... -
Molecular architecture of monolayers formed by novel sterol-modified phosphol...
A family of sterol-modified glycerophospholipids (SML) have been synthesized in which the sn-1 or sn-2 position is covalently attached to cholesterol and the alternative... -
Texture evolution of an AA7075_O alloy during cold radial forging
Radial forging is an open-die forging process utilizing radially moving dies for producing of cylindrical/tubular components with different internal and external profiles. The... -
Structure of the lithium battery cathode Li2+2x(Fe,Mn)1-xSiO4
There is great interest in scaling up Li-ion batteries for use in electric vehicles, requiring cheap and safe cathodes. Li2FeSiO4 shows promising performance as a cathode but... -
Alkylated Graphene nano-lubricant at the metal-oil interface
The lubrication of surfaces by oils is a key aspect of many academic and industrial problems with significant financial implications. 2-D graphene materials can provide... -
Fabrication Residual Stresses in Boiler Bifurcations
Recently, a number of creep cracks have been found in complex pipe to pipe intersections, referred to as bifurcations in the boilers of the UK¿s Advanced Gas Cooled Reactors... -
Cathodes for Na-ion batteries
Lithium-ion batteries are of great interest for automotive applications but are expensive. Sodium is much more abundant and hence cheaper so for e.g. storing energy from... -
Strain/order parameter coupling and anomalous elastic properties of Sr(Ti,Zr)...
HRPD data will be collected in situ at low and high temperatures from perovskites belonging to the Sr(ZrxTi1-x)O3 solid solution which have recently been characterised for their... -
Muon Spin Relaxation detection of Spin-Polarized Conduction Electrons in Silicon
The proposed experiment is to observe optical spin-injection in Silicon through MuSR detection. An important part of research in next generation electronics focusses on the... -
Neutron Residual Stress Measurements of CANDU Piping Components
Residual stresses (RSs) in welded structures are inevitable and it is vital that they are considered and quantitatively estimated when analysing cracking and fracture problems... -
In Situ Inelastic Neutron Scattering Studies of Gas-Loaded Porous Framework S...
We request 12 days on TOSCA to study the interaction of adsorbed N2, CO2, CH4 and NO with a hydroxyl-decorated aluminium-based MOF NOTT-300. This proposed study will investigate... -
Intergranular stress generation during high temperature creep-fatigue loading
Intergranular stresses, generated during cyclic loading of AISI type 316H stainless steel can significantly affect the creep deformation of this material. However,... -
Adsorption of concentrated Aerosol-OT to Sapphire ¿ the effect of divalent sa...
AOT is also known to be very sensitive to the concentration and nature of counter-ions. When adding a sufficient amount of divalent salt to an AOT solution, a very strong Bragg... -
Development of high resolution detectors for Bragg edge time of flight transm...
The energy of transmitted neutrons can be obtained from their time-of-flight, simultaneously with the acquisition of the transmission radiographic image by a pixilated detector.... -
Investigating the graphitisation behaviour of polycrystalline diamond at high...
Polycrystalline diamond is a man-made diamond material used for rock drilling and machining operations. Its vastly superior hardness to any other material allows it to cut... -
Influence of rafted microstructures on the in-situ strain response of single ...
The proposed experiment concerns the role of microstructure on the high temperature deformation behaviour of single crystal Ni-base superalloys. This class of material is of...