Quantum critical dynamics in the presence of disorder
Quantum phase transitions are abrupt qualitative changes of a system's groundstate occurring only at exactly zero temperature. Such critical points - although never reachable... -
Elementary excitations in cyclic molecular nanomagnet Fe8Y8
A classical example of the toroidal magnetic moment is a ring-shaped vortex distributions of magnetic dipoles. Molecular materials offer rich possibilities for the design of... -
Investigation of complex magnetic structure and the role of frustration using...
The quasi-kagome Kondo lattice CeRhSn exhibits intrinsic quantum criticality induced by geometrical frustration. Divergent Grüneisen ratios provide evidence for a zero-field... -
Field Induced Magnetic Phase Transition close to Ferromagnetic QCP's
This proposal addresses the formation of a metamagnetic phase transition in PrPtAl. PrPtAl exhibits induced moment magnetism where singlet-mixing is stabilised by inter-site... -
Evidence for long-range order in HoTbTi2O7
Evidence of long-range order has been observed in the diffuse neutron scattering data for a single crystal of HoTbTi2O7.A spin ice like pattern and pinch points coexist with the... -
Magnetic excitations in the S=1/2 ferromagnetic semiconductor Lu2V2O7
Lu2V2O7 is a rare example of an S=1/2 pyrochlore. The fact that it is a ferromagnet with Tc=70 K belies the fact that it has some truly remarkable properties. These include the... -
Investigation of the spin dynamics of Shastry-Sutherland phase in Ce2-xPd2+yI...
The Shastry-Sutherland lattice (SSL) can be described as a 2D square lattice built up from a network of dimers disposed orthogonally and has been observed in SrCu2(BO2)3.... -
Investigation of SANS in the region of superfluid transition
We propose SANS measurements of 4He in a region of supefluid transition (2.2 K). The main aim of the experiment is to see whether at small-angle scattering there is an... -
Investigation of the magnetic frustration in ACr3As3 (A = K, Rb and Cs)
The recently discovered quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) superconductor A2Cr3As3 (A=K, Rb and Cs with TC ≈ 6.1 K, 4.8 K and 2.2 K, respectively) has intrigued intensive... -
Temperature dependence of spin dynamics near quantum criticality in an Ising ...
This proposal is part of our research programme to explore the interplay of thermal and quantum fluctuations near zero-temperature quantum phase transitions. Here we apply for a... -
Quantum spin excitations of Cr-jarosite
Within the field of condensed matter physics, the study of frustrated antiferromagnets is at the forefront of current research. In frustrated antiferromagnets, the geometry of...