Interviews with Firms and Other Key Stakeholders in the Agro-Processing Secto...
The data deposit comprises: (1) summary notes from 95 semi-structured key informant interviews with a range of stakeholders in the agro-processing sectors of South Africa and... -
Cooperativa Digital: Creating a Community-Run Mobile App in Brazil, 2023
The data for this project consists of qualitative data collected through four co-design workshops with a community of NGOs in São Luís, Brazil. The file contains a dataset with... -
Learning on the Streets: Urban Youth and Vending in Zimbabwe, 2019-2022
Existing scholarship on political socialisation has predominantly generated knowledge on ‘socialisation mechanisms’ in Western settings; about the role of family, peers,... -
Human Rights Big Data and Technology: Digital Policing and Human Rights, 2023
The main project aims were to examine the human rights implications of rapidly developing technologies. As noted above, in an increasingly digitised world, technological... -
Redressing Gendered Health Inequalities of Displaced Women and Girls in conte...
Women and young girls who are driven by necessity to leave their countries in Central and South America (often on basis of gendered threats such as sexual violence) face a range... -
Processing Multi-Constituent Units in Chinese Reading: An Eye Movement Invest...
We conducted a series of eye movement experiments in order to empirically examine our MCU hypothesis. We tested whether frequently occurring two-character phrases,... -
Increasing Wellbeing Through Energy Demand Reduction: Citizen Perceptions of ...
The current energy, climate and cost of living crises have affected peoples’ wellbeing, their health, employment and finances showing significant inequalities across population... -
Investigating Children’s Attitudes and Learning About Soil Invertebrates, 202...
Soil invertebrates play a central role in terrestrial ecosystem functioning but public awareness about the importance of soil invertebrates is low and they are neglected in... -
Technology Enhanced Stakeholder Collaboration for Supporting Risk-Sensitive U...
The dataset comprises interview transcripts, interview guidelines, questionnaire survey templates, qualitative data coding structures, and published papers from three main... -
Quantifying Language Experience in Bilingual and Trilingual children, 2020-2022
The data in this repository were collected in France, the Netherlands and the UK between 2020 and 2022 to inform the validation of the Q-BEx questionnaire (). Children between... -
Wukro WASH Household Survey, 2019
Despite worldwide advances in urban water security, equitable access to safely managed drinking water remains a challenge in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Piped... -
Transcript Qualitative Interview Data Collected From Approved Premises Reside...
The aim of this thesis is to provide an understanding of, and solutions to, England and Wales (E&W) prison violence using a General Strain Theory (GST) framework. The GST... -
Virtual Reality Experiment to Study the Role of Social Conformity in the Acce...
The Veronica project data includes two parts: taxi passenger choice data and pedestrian crossing data. This part primarily involves taxi passenger choice data. The key... -
EU Migrant Workers Living in the East of England Pre and Post Brexit, 2015-2022
The UK's decision to leave the EU has necessitated a wholesale rethink of UK immigration policy with the ending of free movement of workers. The motivations for this work then... -
Virtual Reality Experiment to Study the Role of Social Conformity in the Acce...
The Veronica project data includes two parts: taxi passenger choice data and pedestrian crossing data. This part primarily involves pedestrian crossing data. The key motivation... -
Development of Rapid Diagnostic Devices for Livestock, 2018-2019
The development of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and the consequent prospect of future limits to medical treatments, continues to be a major public health concern. Use of... -
Supporting Health Ageing at Work, 2021-2022
There is an urgent need to make the health of over-50s more visible in order to better support later-life working. Of people aged 50-64, 44% have a long-term health condition... -
Exploring if Partial and Distributed Tests Enhance New Learning, 2020-2024
The study explores the impact of partial testing on learning processes. The research aims to understand whether taking tests on a portion of the material can improve the... -
Care-Experienced Graduates Decision-Making, Choices, and Destinations, 2021-2024
Background Care-experienced students overcome profound challenges to access higher education, such as educational disruption, and mental health issues arising from childhood... -
Interrupted Learning, Fragile Attendance and 'Out of School' Children in Indi...
This project focused on children who are enrolled in school but attend irregularly, so their learning is interrupted in ways that negatively affect their learning outcomes. This...