Dynamic Long Range Antiferromagnetic Order in Frustrated Perovskites, Ba2-xSr...
We use chemistry to arrange unusual crystal structures that set up conflicting interactions between magnetic ions in the material. In these compounds i is not possible for a... -
Neutron diffraction to monitor the state of a non-stoichiometric solid employ...
An unmixed reaction is a dynamic process in which e.g. a metal oxide (which acts as an oxygen-carrier material) is used to e.g. provide oxygen for a reaction during which the... -
Self-assembly of polymer-stabilised cyclopeptide nanotubes
SANS will be used to determine the structure of nanotube dispersions formed by H-bond stacking of cyclopeptides coated with a sheath of stabilizing polymer. Cyclopeptide... -
Magnetic excitations in the S=1/2 ferromagnetic semiconductor Lu2V2O7
Lu2V2O7 is a rare example of an S=1/2 pyrochlore. The fact that it is a ferromagnet with Tc=70 K belies the fact that it has some truly remarkable properties. These include the... -
Measurement of the temperature dependence of the muonium emission from silica...
We propose continued study of the muonium emission from silica aerogel using Muonium Spin Rotation (MuSR) following success of the proof-of-principle measurement. This time, we... -
Mechanism of charging metal oxide colloids in non-polar solvents
Contrast-variation SANS (CV SANS) will be used to determine how surfactant inverse micelles interact with model metal oxide colloids. By using deuterated surfactant (D-AOT) with...