4f electronic states of the filled skutterudite compound PrFe4Sb12 synthesize...
Crystals of the filled skutterudite PrFe4Sb12 with the 73~87% Pr-site filling fractions prepared under ambient pressure show some magnetic ordering around 5 K and their... -
Investigation of giant crystal electric field (CEF) splitting in CeIr3Si2
CeIr3Si2 exhibits highly anisotropic bulk properties with two magnetic transitions at TN1 ~ 3.9 K and TN2 ~ 3.1 K. The overall CEF splitting of the J=5/2 ground multiplet of... -
Magnetic structure and spin excitations in the magnetic Weyl heavy fermion co...
CeBi2 is a new magnetic Weyl heavy fermion compound which demonstrates the Kondo-type behaviour. It undergoes a transition to a complex antiferromagnetic ground state, and on... -
Neutron scattering and muSR studies of magnetic phenomena in YFe2Al10: case s...
In strongly correlated electron systems, the proximity to magnetic ordering has been of special interest. Magnetism in this class of systems is often suppressed by the Kondo...