Inelastic Neutron Spectroscopy Study of Ammonium Borohydride
Ammonium borohydride (ABH2) has been studied as a hydrogen storage material, it stores hydrogen on both cationic and anionic sites and has the largest gravimetric and volumetric... -
The magnetic structure of an A- site and B-site ordered perovskite: CaCu3Fe2O...
Recently, double perovskites have attracted enormous attention. Now, we have successfully synthesized a quadruple perovskite compound which shows not only one but, both, A-site... -
Order and disorder in (Mn,Fe)2(P,Si) magnetocaloric compounds
In the high-performance and low-cost (Mn,Fe)2(P,Si) magnetocaloric compounds, the detrimental hysteresis has been significantly reduced by balancing Mn:Fe and P:Si ratios, which... -
Structural studies and decomposition of nanostructured ammonia borane-polymer...
Ammonia borane (AB) is a promising hydrogen storage material with up to 12 wt% obtainable from 100 to 150 C. Desorption temperatures can be lowered towards targets and kinetics... -
Magnetostriction in (Bi, La)-orthoferrites
We have recently observed unusual magnetostrictive behaviour in Bi0.5La0.5FeO3 (BLFO), a phenomenon which is not present in either solid solution end member. This proposal seeks... -
In-situ study of hydrogen absorption and desorption in metal-hydride hydrogen...
Hydrogen storage is one of the most important technological issues to be resolved in the move towards a future sustainable hydrogen-based economy. We would like to gain further... -
Further studies of the Mg(BH_{4} )_{2} and parahydrogen
We found evidence of solid para-hydrogen absorbed in Mg(BH_{4} ){2} up to temperatures of 195 K. Para hydrogen was dosed in Mg(BH{4} )_{2} at 50 K. A series of dosings were...