The mobility of ions in molten nitrates
This proposal is a continuation of a study of molten salts which have a large number of applications, including applications in fuel cells and, in the case of nitrates, as... -
Measuring strains in geologically important hydrous minerals
We request 4 days of beam-time on ENGIN-X to measure the elastic behaviour of polycrystalline samples of gypsum, antigorite, and talc as a function of uniaxial load. All three... -
Neutron Diffraction residual Stress Measurement in Cold Weld Repair Tubular J...
Grade 91 pipes and tubes have become a standard material for the design of new and refurbishment of existing Power Plants. Several major failures have been encountered after... -
Interlayer Dynamics in Graphite Intercalation Compounds
Alkali metals are well-known to form regularly-layered graphite intercalation compounds (GICs) which exhibit a number of novel and practically important structural and... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study on the one dimensional spin-chains
One-dimensional (1D) spin chain is interesting to understand the low dimensional magnetism. For a 1D spin chain, long rang magnetic order cannot exists at finite temperature. On... -
WT native 002 cooling
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Field Induced Metamagnetic transition close to Ferromagnetic Quantum Critical...
This proposal addresses the formation of a metamagnetic phase transition in PrPtAl. PrPtAl exhibits induced moment magnetism where singlet-mixing is stabilised by inter-site... -
Determination of the diffraction elastic constants of Inconel 718 at high tem...
Within our project we are studying the evolution of stresses in Ni-base superalloy IN718 during annealing heat treatments. This is done by performing in-situ neutron diffraction... -
Measurement of Residual Stresses in Side-Punched Single Edge Notched Bend Spe...
Residual stresses have been generated, mechanically, in single edge notched bend specimens by side-punching ahead of sharp notches. Given that this is a novel method of... -
Proton diffusion in lithium imide: a quasi-elastic neutron scattering study
Li_2NH has been recently considered for H_2 storage applications. However, its low-T crystal structure is still controversial, with at least 6 options compatible with the... -
In-situ QENS studies of the nitridation of Calcium Hydride
The proposed experiment will study how material properties change as a function nitridation (eg. the incorporation of nitrogen gas into the material). In previous study at RAL,... -
Surface structures of polycations in confined geometries
A second-generation surface force style apparatus has been developed to probe the inter-surface and near-surface structures under compressive forces. Systems of current academic... -
Are magnetic excitations in the Yb based pyrochlores really gapless?
A recent neutron study of a powder sample attests a splayed ferromagnetic structure for Yb2Ti2O7. However in the same work the authors report gapless magnetic excitations even... -
Spatial distribution of phase proportions in a model metal-hydride hydrogen s...
This proposal supports development of multi-physics finite-element model of the performance of a metal-hydride hydrogen storage tank. While simple to use, a massive... -
In-situ Neutron Diffraction Measurement combined with the First Cyclic Deform...
As additive manufacturing (AM) is moving into the production of more heavily loaded end-use components, particularly within the aerospace sector, improved understanding of the... -
Residual stress characterization of laser formed aluminium plates using neutr...
Laser forming is a novel manufacturing technique used to form metal sheet into complex geometries. The process is based on the introduction of thermal stress including plastic... -
Quantifying the role of stresses in the cracking of repair welds in nickel su...
Repair welding of nickel superalloys is being investigated at Cranfield University to determine repair techniques which minimise liquation and post-weld heat treatment cracking... -
MAPS commissioning
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Exploring the potential of neutron diffraction methods for examining the mech...
We request 2 days of beamtime on ENGIN-X to obtain neutron diffraction data as a function of uniaxial load on two different shale gas mudstones. Both the multiphase character...