Magnetic order of correlated hourglass fermion candidate Eu5In2Sb5
A new kind of topologically protected electronic state has been predicted in crystals whose surfaces form atomic patterns with certain non-symmorphic symmetries. Eu5In2Sb6 is... -
Measurement of the temperature dependence of the muonium emission from silica...
We propose continued study of the muonium emission from silica aerogel using Muonium Spin Rotation (MuSR) following success of the proof-of-principle measurement. This time, we... -
Determination of the on-top vibrational mode of the surface hydride in PdH.
Finely divided supported palladium particles are used as catalysts in many technical processes. Using MAPS we have recently investigated the interaction of hydrogen with the... -
Novel state of matter in the site-ordered double perovskites Ba2YWO6
In solids, spins and orbitals are usually not coupled to each other. This may be not true any more in the rocksalt ordered double perovskites having spin-orbit coupling.... -
Cation reorientation dynamics in a metal formate perovskite
Hybrid metal-organic perovskites are promising functional materials, but the complex interactions between organic cations and the framework surrounding them are difficult to... -
PNR of Magnetic Order in Delta-Doped Topological Insulators
We aim at studying proximity effects between a ferromagnetic thin film (either metallic or insulating) and a topological insulator (either undoped, or magnetically homogeneously... -
Structure and Magnetism in Iron-Substituted Benavidesite
We wish to investigate a new series of materials in which manganese in benavidesite, MnPb4Sb6S14, is progressively replaced by iron, leading to jamesonite at complete... -
Higher resolution inspection of the hydrocarbon pool connected with the metha...
This project involves the conversion of methanol to hydrocarbons over a zeolite catalyst. The proposed beamtime will examine systematically a series of catalyst samples prepared... -
Diffusive character of hydration water on protein surface by examining perdue...
Water is crucial for the functioning of proteins. There has been substantial work to study the effect of water on protein dynamics, structure and function. However, how protein... -
Hydrogen dynamics in a series of metal borohydride ammonia inclusion compound...
The proposed quasi elastic neutron scattering experiment at ISIS aims at the characterization of the dynamical properties of the series of coordination complexes Pr(BH4)3·nNH3,... -
INS Study of Bio-oil on a Hydrodeoxygenation Catalyst
The Indonesian government has passed a new policy regarding a mandatory regulation for all gas stations nationwide to replace existing diesel fuel to B-20 biofuel. Bio-oil is a... -
Lattice dynamics study of filled-skutterudite compounds: RPt4Ge12 (R=Ba, La a...
The appearance of non-dispersive Einstein (¿rattling¿) modes, known as the phonon-glass paradigm in filled-skutterudite compounds, has been postulated as an origin of the high... -
Copy of: Magnetic excitations in the one dimensional (1D) spin-chain systems:...
The spin-chain systems with general formula A¿3ABO6, crystallizing in the K4CdCl6 type structure has attracted a lot attention in recent years due to geometrical frustration... -
Effect of electron and hole doping on the spin gap formation in Kondo insulat...
CeFe2Al10 belongs to the CeT2Al10 family (T: Ru, Os, Fe), which exhibits Kondo-insulator properties, with an unusual competition of strongly anisotropic crystal-field and... -
Structural studies of the cycling and decomposition of Mg(NH3)6(BH4)2
Given its high hydrogen gravimetric density, ammonia may be utilised as a hydrogen carrier, and thus ammonia stores are an area of interest. It is known that Mg(BH4)2 takes up... -
Copy of: Structural and Magnetic Studies of Mixed-Valence Iron Silicates
We propose to study the temperature evolution of the spontaneous strain, crystal and magnetic structure of the charge ordered, mixed valence iron silicate ilvaite. In addition,... -
Studying dynamics of water on graphene by quasi-elastic neutron scattering
Graphene-based materials have unique structural and physiochemical properties, and have been exhibited as efficient working substances to filter salts in saline water.... -
Decoupling effect between protein and water
Water plays a critical role in life. A hydration level, h ~ 0.2 g water/g protein, is found to be the minimum for the dynamical transition in protein at Td ~ 200 K. This... -
Neutron spectroscopy is applied to study bones exposed to anaerobic burning or fossilisation. The results thus obtained will complement previous data gathered by the team on... -
Magnetic ordering and structure phenomena in the rare-earth CeRu2Al10 compound.
This proposal is for crystal-structure (on HRPD) and magnetic ordering (on WISH) studies on the local-moment compound CeRu2Al10. It follows from our recent neutron studies at...