Magnetic and lattice excitations in multiferroic BiMn2O5
The exchange-striction mechanism, where parallel or antiparallel alignment of an ion's spin with its neighbour leads to displacements away from or towards the neighbour which... -
Taking skyrmions for a spin
Magnetic skyrmions have a robust topological magnetic structure, which makes them ideal for use as binary information carriers. The skyrmions appear in a well-ordered lattice... -
Neutron and muSR study of CePtSi: Non-Fermi liquid behaviour due to avoided m...
Previous studies have pointed to a heavy-electron state in CePtSi with a strongly enhanced electronic specific heat. We have explored the heat capacity, susceptibility and... -
Investigation of the Dynamic Mechanism of Reflectin Color Change by QENS
Reflectin, so named because of its high refractive index, is a protein expressed exclusively in cephalopods and forms reflectors responsible for dynamic iridescence and... -
Towards understanding the radical-bridged 4f complexes featuring the highest ...
The discovery of slow relaxation of the magnetization and quantum effects in the single-molecule magnet (SMM) Mn12-ac in 1993 has inspired both physicist and chemist alike. A... -
Inelastic neutron scattering and musr studies of the high-distorted double pe...
The heat capacity and neutron powder diffraction measurements of the double perovskites La2NaB′O6 (B = Ru5+, Os5+) with S=3/2 on the B¿ reveal an incommensurate magnetic... -
Correlation of structure and magnetic ordering with composition in layered co...
We propose to use OSIRIS to determine the magnetic structures of a series of cobalt oxysulfides containing Co in square planar coordination. Several compositions... -
Dynamic behaviour of confined hydro gen in natural (COx) and synthetic clays ...
The experiment is aimed to unravel the diffusion mechanism of hydrogen in Callovo-Oxfordian clays, which are candidates to be used as backfill material in long term geological... -
QENS studies of the interaction of propene with ZSM-5
Fluidised Catalytic Cracking (FCC) units are one of the major conversion units in modern petrochemical refineries. ZSM-5 additives are used in FCC units to convert gasoline... -
Search for incommensurate spin excitation in BaFe1.904Ni0.096As2
Motivated by the observation of incommensure magnetic order in Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2, we have recently grown BaFe2-xNixAs2 crystals with systematic electron doping level especially... -
Quantum Methyl Rotors for Gas Sensing in Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8
We aim to utilise Low-Energy Neutron Scattering (LENS) at OSIRIS to investigate the effects of gas adsorption on the quantum rotation of the methyl groups present in a Metal... -
Magnetic Excitations in Magnetic Molecule {Mo214V30}
We propose to conduct inelastic neutron scattering (INS) measurements on deuterated polycrystalline samples of the magnetic molecule {Mo214V30}, to determine the low-lying... -
Hydrogen diffusion in novel porous carbon materials for fuel cells
The performance of polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEMFC) is strongly dependent on the diffusion rate of hydrogen and the electron mobility, which in turn is strongly influenced... -
Spin Frustration in a Novel Molecular FeIII_7 Propeller
The hepta-nuclear Fe(III) title compound Fe7 exhibits a unique antiferromagnetic exchange topology reminiscent of a three-bladed propeller, giving rise to spin frustration, also... -
Rosseinsky programme access GEM
The proposal develops recent observations on spin-lattice coupling in incommensurate materials (objective - measure influence of applied field on evolution of structural... -
Spin excitations in LiFeAs, a stoichiometric ferropnictide superconductor at ...
We propose to measure the powder-averaged spin excitation spectrum of LiFeAs, a new member of the ferropnictide family of superconductors. This compound is special because it is... -
Further studies of the Mg(BH_{4} )_{2} and parahydrogen
We found evidence of solid para-hydrogen absorbed in Mg(BH_{4} ){2} up to temperatures of 195 K. Para hydrogen was dosed in Mg(BH{4} )_{2} at 50 K. A series of dosings were... -
Texture memory and variant selection for steel and titanium and zirconium alloys
The proposed experiment will focus on determining the level of texture memory and variant selection on both heating and cooling for steel and titanium and zirconium alloys with... -
Crystal and magnetic structures of the anionogenic ferromagnet Ba0.85K0.15O2
We propose to use GEM to study the evolution of both the crystal and magnetic structures of Ba0.85K0.15O2 between room temperature and 2 K. Ba0.85K0.15O2 is a novel phase not... -
Magnetic structures of antiferromagnetic heavy fermion CeAuAl3 and CeCuAl3 co...
CeAuAl3 and CeCuAl3 compounds crystallize in the tetragonal I4mm, BaNiSn3-type and display interesting bulk properties. Here we propose to investigate the magnetic structures of...