fac-tris[2-phenylpyridinato-C2,N]iridium(III) (tris-(2-phenylpyridine) iridium, [Ir(ppy)3]), is a heavy metal complex that is the most frequently used precursor molecule for the... -
Proton vibrations in lithium imide studied through incoherent inelastic neutr...
We propose to measure the incoherent neutron spectra of lithium amide (LiNH_2) and imide (Li_2NH) at low temperature (T<20 K). These two substances belong to the Li-H-N... -
Complex Magnetism in Cobalt-Rhenium Double Perovskites
We have recently been studying a series of rhenium-cobalt oxide phases, based on the cation deficient perovskite phase Ba4Re2CoO12. Lithium can be inserted into the vacant sites... -
Interlayer and Interparticle Water in Clays
Clay barriers are routinely used in nuclear waste repositories to isolate radionuclides from the biosphere. Such barriers have to be carefully designed to remain effective for... -
Search for magnetic resonance in the superconducting state of Mo3Sb7
The intermetallic Mo3Sb7 compound exhibits superconductivity at Tc=2 K and exhibits interesting physical properties in the magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity and... -
Nematic spin fluctuations in tetragonal La2-xSrxCuO4
Uniaxial stress has been used to study the Fe-based superconductors with spectacular results. Both the transport properties and the low-energy magnetic excitations have been... -
Hydrogen dynamics in a series of metal borohydride ammonia inclusion compound...
The proposed quasi elastic neutron scattering experiment at ISIS aims at the characterization of the dynamical properties of the series of coordination complexes Pr(BH4)3·nNH3,... -
Copy of: Magnetic excitations in the one dimensional (1D) spin-chain systems:...
The spin-chain systems with general formula A¿3ABO6, crystallizing in the K4CdCl6 type structure has attracted a lot attention in recent years due to geometrical frustration... -
Copy of: Structural and Magnetic Studies of Mixed-Valence Iron Silicates
We propose to study the temperature evolution of the spontaneous strain, crystal and magnetic structure of the charge ordered, mixed valence iron silicate ilvaite. In addition,... -
Phase Separation in NaTaO3. Can it be controlled by pressure?
The present proposal seeks to establish the pressure dependence of the Pbnm-Cmcm transition in NaTaO3 and some doped variants thereof. It aims to understand the understand the... -
Me-ND311BD4: a temperature dependent study of its crystal structure and decom...
We request 4 days on HRPD with the IGAn apparatus to follow the structural changes of Me-ND4 11BD4 as a function of temperature. The high resolution of HRPD will allow us to... -
Inelastic neutron scattering and musr studies of the high-distorted double pe...
The heat capacity and neutron powder diffraction measurements of the double perovskites La2NaB′O6 (B = Ru5+, Os5+) with S=3/2 on the B¿ reveal an incommensurate magnetic... -
Low temperarature structure of Sr2CoO2Cu1.85S2
This proposal aims to exploit the superior flux on the upgraded HRPD coupled with the intrinsic high resolution to examine the differences between a sample of Sr2CoO2Cu1.85S2... -
Magnetic structures of antiferromagnetic heavy fermion CeAuAl3 and CeCuAl3 co...
CeAuAl3 and CeCuAl3 compounds crystallize in the tetragonal I4mm, BaNiSn3-type and display interesting bulk properties. Here we propose to investigate the magnetic structures of... -
In-situ hydrogen decomposition studies of ammonia borane and the diammoniate ...
Ammonia borane (AB) is one of the most promising hydrogen storage materials. We have extensively studied the low temperature behaviour of this material This proposal asks for 3... -
Study of hybridization gap and insulator-metal transition in caged compounds ...
Heavy fermion compounds with a small energy gap opening in the strongly hybridised 4f-band at EF are currently under intensive investigations. Recently some of us have... -
Post-Mortem Submersion Interval (Pmsi) Estimation in Sea Water
Establishing the post-mortem interval (PMI) is often the primary objective in forensic investigations.Whilst various techniques for PMI estimation in terrestrial environments...