Deterministic grayscale nanotopography to engineer mobilities in strained MoS...
Field-effect transistors (FETs) based on two-dimensional materials (2DMs) with atomically thin channels have emerged as a promising platform for beyond-silicon electronics.... -
Electric field tunable bandgap in twisted double trilayer graphene
Twisted van der Waals heterostructures have recently emerged as a versatile platform for engineering interaction-driven, topological phenomena with a high degree of control and... -
High-throughput calculations of spin Hall conductivity in non-magnetic 2D mat...
Spin Hall effect (SHE) in two-dimensional (2D) materials is promising to effectively manipulate spin angular momentum and identify topological properties. In this work, we... -
Relaxed thin film structures of one, two, and three magnetic 3d transition me...
The uploaded data set contains setups of all 6660 possible combinations of up to three atomic layers of 3d transition metals on six different FCC noble-metal substrates. The... -
Guidelines for accurate and efficient calculations of mobilities in two-dimen...
Emerging two-dimensional (2D) materials bring unprecedented opportunities for electronic applications. The design of high-performance devices requires an accurate prediction of... -
Glassy dynamics and crystalline local order in two-dimensional amorphous silica
We reassess the modeling of amorphous silica bilayers as a two-dimensional classical system whose particles interact with an effective pairwise potential. We show that it is... -
High-throughput screening of 2D materials identifies p-type monolayer WS2 as ...
2D semiconductors are considered as a promising alternative to silicon for future electronics. This class of materials possesses different advantages including atomically sharp... -
The Materials Cloud 2D database (MC2D)
Two-dimensional (2D) materials are among the most promising candidates for beyond silicon electronic and optoelectronic applications. Recently, their recognized importance,... -
Guidelines for accurate and efficient calculations of mobilities in two-dimen...
Emerging two-dimensional (2D) materials bring unprecedented opportunities for electronic applications. The design of high-performance devices requires an accurate prediction of... -
Substrate-aware computational design of two-dimensional materials
Two-dimensional (2D) materials have attracted considerable attention due to their remarkable electronic, mechanical and optical properties, making them prime candidates for... -
Machine learning enables the discovery of 2D Invar and anti-Invar monolayers
Materials demonstrating positive thermal expansion (PTE) or negative thermal expansion (NTE) are quite common, whereas those exhibiting zero thermal expansion (ZTE) are notably... -
Data publication: Data-Driven Quest for Two-Dimensional Non-van der Waals Mat...
This dataset includes the primary research data for the publication "Data-Driven Quest for Two-Dimensional Non-van der Waals Materials",... -
Data publication: Terahertz control of photoluminescence emission in few-laye...
streak camera data, meta data -
Data publication: A New Group of Two-Dimensional Non-van der Waals Materials ...
This dataset includes the primary research data for the publication "A New Group of Two-Dimensional Non-van der Waals Materials with Ultra Low Exfoliation Energies". -
Electrical characterization of multi-gated WSe2/MoS2 van der Waals heterojunc...
Transistor measurements -
Data publication: Magnetic State Control of Non-van der Waals 2D Materials by...
This dataset includes the primary research data for the publication "Magnetic State Control of Non-van der Waals 2D Materials by Hydrogenation". -
Data publication: Terahertz-Induced Energy Transfer from Hot Carriers to Trio...
Orginaldaten der in der Publikation verwendet Bilder -
2D pentagonal-graphene and pentagonal-silicene sheets engineered for the dete...
The deposited structure models of DNA adsorbed on prisitne PG/p-Si and metal (Au/W) doped PG/p-Si sheets, have been subjected to first principles calculations based on DFT... -
Charge state-dependent symmetry breaking of atomic defects in transition meta...
The functionality of atomic quantum emitters is intrinsically linked to their host lattice coordination. Structural distortions that spontaneously break the lattice symmetry... -
Non-equilibrium nature of fracture determines the crack path
A high-fidelity neural network-based force field (NN-F³) is developed to cover the space of strain states up to material failure and the non-equilibrium, intermediate nature of...