Chasing the symmetry of the BiFeO3 γ-phase in the isostructural A- and B...
BiFeO3 is by far the most widely studied multiferroic material and yet many mysteries remain in the phase diagram. One mystery is the crystal structure of the high T gamma... -
Polymorphism and structure-property relations in 12H-type perovskite (Ba,La)1...
We request one day of beam-time on POLARIS to collect Neutron Diffraction (ND) data from three novel 12H-type hexagonal perovskites that exhibit higher than expected... -
Continued studies of materials in the BiFeO3-KNbO3 solid solution
In recent years there has been a resurgence in research dedicated to ferroelectric materials primarily due to the combination of the requirement for Pb-free replacements for... -
Modulation in Molecular Materials - Variable Temperature
Modulation occurs when there is ordering on two (or more) length scales. When the ratio of these is an integer, the modulation is said to be commensurate, i.e. one ordering is... -
Improper ferroelectricity in hexagonal tungsten bronzes
We address the detailed atomistic mechanism of ferroelectricity in a new family of oxides typified by the composition CsNbW2O9. Contrary to the mechanism in most ferroelectrics,... -
HRPD low-angle bank tests
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Variable Temperature Neutron Diffraction Studies of Thermal Battery Cathode M...
Thermal batteries find use in applications such as emergency power systems and ejector seats in aircraft. As a result, systems need to be highly reliable. This requires a... -
Development of thermal microstress and microstrain in polycrystalline zinc: p...
Thermal microstress and microstrain develop in polycrystalline zinc powder particles due to anisotropic thermal expansion, as revealed by corresponding diffraction-line... -
Cation-Exchanged Dion-Jacobson and Ruddlesden-Popper Phases
Multiferroic materials - those which exhibit spontaneous and switchable electrical and magnetic polarizations - have a wide range of applications. However preparing new... -
In situ hydration study of the novel ionic conductor Ba7MoNb4O20
Oxide-ion and proton-conducting materials attract considerable interest thanks to their application as electrolytes in solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). We have recently... -
Jahn-Teller distortions in uranium compounds: Powder Neutron Diffraction
The magnetic behaviour of actinide complexes are of interest as these show unusual physics that relate to single molecule magnet behaviour. We have studied the magnetic... -
Polymorphism of phenytoin at low temperature
Phenytoin is a simple organic pharmaceutical material that exhibits a phase transition at low temperature to a new phase. The high temperature form exhibits some unusual... -
In Situ Structural Study of Low Temperature Synthesised TiP2O7
The AX2O7 series has received much recent attention due to its ability to host a wide range of 4+ cations. The members of this series have been shown to exhibit complex... -
A high-temperature neutron powder determination of the phase transition and c...
Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) is a solar cell material of great interest. However the material when fabricated, although of high symmetry, contains substantial defect concentration and a... -
Testing of bulk metallic glass samples
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True symmetry of correlated Dirac and Weyl semimetal candidates CeSbSe and Ce...
We have recently performed a magnetic neutron scattering study at WISH to understand the unusual metamagnetic behaviour of the Dirac semimetal candidate CeSbSe. Unexpectedly,... -
Spin-Lattice Coupling in a Frustrated Antiferromagnet
Frustrated magnetic materials are interesting because they show unusual behaviour arising from a near-degeneracy of ground states. The magnetic order of MgCr2O4 - apparently... -
Pressure dependence on the isomorphic phase transition in KOs2O6
We are requesting 5 days of beamtime on HRPD to measure powder diffraction patterns of KOs2O6 under He gas high pressure up to 150 MPa. KOs2O6 exhibits a novel phase transition... -
Structure and thermal expansion of a new polymorph of pentahydrite (MgSO4·5H2O)
In our high-pressure studies of candidate outer solar system minerals using PEARL, we have found that MgSO4.7H2O (epsomite) decomposes to a lower hydrate mixed with water ice.... -
In-situ study of magnetic structure for Ho2(Fe,M)17 (M =Si, Ni and Al) alloys
Metallic materials that exhibit negligible thermal expansion or zero thermal expansion (ZTE) have great merit in practical applications. However these materials are very rare...