Apatite-type Oxides for Energy Applications: Symmetry Distortion Mode Analysi...
Apatites are a large group of chemically and structurally flexible functional materials with important applications as solid electrolytes. The majority of known apatite... -
Understanding of Competing Magnetic Processes in La0.7Sr0.3MnxFe1-xO3 Perovskite
The aim of this experiment is to complete the understanding of the complex nature of the structural and magnetic interactions in the La0.7Sr0.3Mn1-xFexO3 series of materials in... -
Incommensurate-commensurate phase transitions in K2SeO4
Materials with incommensurate structures often show exotic properties (such as charge density waves). The development of reliable and efficient refinement techniques for such... -
In-situ reaction of lithium amide or imide with manganese(IV) oxide
We request 3 days beam time on POLARIS for in-situ powder diffraction studies of the reactions of lithium amide or lithium imide with manganese(IV) oxide under flowing argon or... -
Formation and ammonia decomposition behaviour of lithium nitride hydride
Ammonia is seen as a key part of the transition to a sustainable energy economy, but needs decomposition catalysts to release its stored hydrogen. Lithium nitride-hydride... -
Simltaneous dielectric spectroscopy and neutron diffraction
We have constructed a novel microwave frequency resonator that can sit within the GEM and POLARIS diffractometers and will allow us to simultaneously collect diffraction and... -
Sensing SO2 in Robust Porous MOF Materials via Simultaneous Microwave Dielect...
We seek to develop new MOFs for sensing and removal of toxic gases (e.g., SO2) and request 4 days on POLARIS to study the structural binding details and dielectric data... -
Investigation of ambient temperature polarity and magnetism in the ternary so...
Pb-based materials such as PbZrxTi1-xO3 (PZT) are widely used as transducers, actuators and sensors in a range of modern technologies due to their excellent piezoelectric and... -
Continued studies of materials in the BiFeO3-KNbO3 solid solution
In recent years there has been a resurgence in research dedicated to ferroelectric materials primarily due to the combination of the requirement for Pb-free replacements for... -
Test of a New Supercritical In-Situ Hydrothermal Cell
The objectives of this proposal is to seek 2 days on POLARIS in order to test and complete a full commissioning of the latest design of our prototype in-situ reaction cell for... -
Investigating the formation of novel mixed amide-imide complexes and understa...
Inexpensive light-metal amides are among the most highly active and effective ammonia decomposition catalysts at modest temperatures and are likely to surpass the performance of... -
In-situ study of magnetic structure for Ho2(Fe,M)17 (M =Si, Ni and Al) alloys
Metallic materials that exhibit negligible thermal expansion or zero thermal expansion (ZTE) have great merit in practical applications. However these materials are very rare... -
High Pressure Structure of Carbonic Acid
Recent published studies have identified a stable solid form of carbonic acid at high pressure. This proposal is for beamtime to collect the data to solve its crystal structure. -
In-situ studies of alkaline earth nitride deuterides
Heavy alkaline earth nitride hydrides (AE2NH, with AE = Ca and Ba) are of interest due to their potential suitability as electrolyte materials in a variety of electrochemical... -
Decomposition studies of Li(1-x)NaxND2, LiNa2(ND2)3 and Li3Na(ND2)4
We ask for 3 days on GEM to study in-situ the decomposition of the Na-substituted LiNH2 phases, Li1-xNaxND2, LiNa2(ND2)3, Li3Na(ND2)4 and their reactions with LiD. LiNH2 is the... -
Impact of Jahn-Teller Distortions in Sr0.5Pr0.5MnO3
We propose to use the HRPD to establish the sequence of structures, and the nature of the transitions between these, in two complex manganites Sr0.5Pr0.5MnO3 and... -
Simultaneous Microwave Dielectric Spectroscopy and Neutron Diffraction Measur...
Ammonia has been proposed as a high density chemical energy-storage media, which can be safely and reversible stored within low cost saline halides. Here we propose to extend... -
Hydrogen from ammonia using lithium imide metal nitride composites
Light metal amides and imides are a new class of highly active ammonia decomposition catalysts. Indeed, composites of lithium imide and transition metal nitrides are likely to... -
Structural studies of thermochemical and phase-change naterials for heat storage
This proposal seeks to study three systems associated with heat-storage applications using in situ neutron powder diffraction. The first experiment will focus on a sample of... -
In-situ diffraction studies of ammonia decomposition over iron, ruthenium and...
We request 3 days beam time on POLARIS for the in-situ study of the crystalline phase composition of iron, manganese and ruthenium catalysts for ammonia decomposition. These...