Policy Brief: Harnessing the power of mathematical models for better policy d...
This brief sets out four practical recommendations to help policymakers across a wide range of policy areas effectively capitalise on, and sidestep pitfalls of, using... -
Bias corrected (by using Quantile Delta Mapping method) and raw MMM (multi mo...
This data sets contains monthly bias corrected (by using Quantile Delta Mapping method) and raw MMM (Multi Model Mean) outputs from 2015 to 2099 under SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5.... -
BRMS model results from three-agent model of risky choice
The zip contains RData files which contain R workspaces that have the results of our model fits of the three agent model, to various experiments associated with the paper: "The... -
Simcol3D - 3D Reconstruction during Colonoscopy Challenge Dataset
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. By establishing a benchmark, SimCol3D aimed to facilitate data-driven navigation during colonoscopy. More... -
Procedurally Generated Colonoscopy and Laparoscopy Data For Improved Model Tr...
This is the training data to support the work in 'Procedurally Generated Colonoscopy and Laparoscopy Data For Improved Model Training Performance', published at the 2023 Data... -
When drug treatments bias genetic studies: data files
Numerical data underlying the figures of PLOS ONE paper: "When drug treatments bias genetic studies: mediation and interaction". The files "Data_Figure3-4" pertain to simulation... -
Priority effects and the macroevolutionary dynamics of biodiversity: Raw outp...
All RData files for the realisations of the IS, SC and RS models under different conditions (e.g. parameters and modelling decisions). Each individual file contains one single... -
Priority effects and the macroevolutionary dynamics of biodiversity: Code req...
Included are all scripts and examplary realisations of the models necessary for the replication of the study in R. Scripts focus on the running of the models discussed in the... -
TrafPy: Benchmarking Data Centre Network Systems
This data set contains data related to the paper 'TrafPy: Benchmarking Data Centre Network Systems'. The data have been split into 3 files to avoid needing to download all data...