X-Ray Fluorescence Data from Dublin (Ireland), Chester Beatty Library, Ms Cod...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 80 µA, spot measurements of 120s each) analysis of inks from Ms Pma5 / Medinet Madi Codex B (late 4th -5th century CE) from Dublin Chester Beatty... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Dublin, Chester Beatty Librar...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 80 µA, spot measurements of 120s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification for spots on ink and pigment, x200 magnification for spots on... -
Date, Materiality and Historical Significance of P.Köln Inv. 5941
The paper presents the results of the radiocarbon dating and ink analysis of a leather fragment bearing an important liturgical text in Hebrew from the early centuries...