Spin, charge and orbital ordering in the new LiMn7O12 perovskite
ABO3 perovskite oxides with Mn on A and B sites are of fundamental interest due tophenomena that emerge from the coupling of charge, orbital and spin orders. Wehave synthesized... -
Internal stresses in superconducting bulk magnets studied by in situ neutron ...
Bulk high temperature superconductors are useful for permanent magnet applications because they can generate much stronger magnetic fields than ferromagnets and are more compact... -
The magnetic structure of an A- site and B-site ordered perovskite: CaCu3Fe2O...
Recently, double perovskites have attracted enormous attention. Now, we have successfully synthesized a quadruple perovskite compound which shows not only one but, both, A-site... -
Order and disorder in (Mn,Fe)2(P,Si) magnetocaloric compounds
In the high-performance and low-cost (Mn,Fe)2(P,Si) magnetocaloric compounds, the detrimental hysteresis has been significantly reduced by balancing Mn:Fe and P:Si ratios, which... -
Structural Phase Diagram of the new Multiferroic Hexagonal YbFeO3
This experiment aims to map out the structural phase diagram of the new multiferroic compound hexagonal-YbFeO3 as a function of temperature, both above and below room... -
Subtle magnetic phase transitions in multiferroic BiFeO3
This experiment seeks to probe the magnetic structure of multiferroic BiFeO3 and its evolution on lowering temperature, with the specific aim of identifying magneto-structural... -
Dynamical Transitions in the Ogg Glasses
We request 4 days on IRIS to study the temperature dependance of the structural dynamics in amorphous sodium-ammonia (Na-NH3). This will be the first investigation of the... -
Principal Component Analysis of Phase Behaviour on the Upgraded TOSCA
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a powerful chemometric tool for the analysis of multivariate datasets. Capitalising from the recent upgrade of the TOSCA spectrometer, we... -
Magnetostriction in (Bi, La)-orthoferrites
We have recently observed unusual magnetostrictive behaviour in Bi0.5La0.5FeO3 (BLFO), a phenomenon which is not present in either solid solution end member. This proposal seeks... -
Exploring the spin dynamics in the first S = 1 ¿Haldane spaghetti¿ system: Li...
We propose to explore the low energy excitation spectrum of the LiNiVO4, a system which we believe is a previously unobserved realization of a random distribution of 1D... -
Spin excitations in the superconducting FeTe0.6Se0.4
The FeTe1-xSex series exhibits superconductivity over a broad range of doping. Previously we have made extensive neutron scattering measurements on superconducting x = 0.49 and... -
Magnetic structure of the 1D spin chain system: Sr3NiRhO6
The spin-chain systems with general formula A¿3ABO6, crystallizing in the K4CdCl6 (space group R -3 c) type structure has started attracting a lot attention in recent years due... -
In-situ study of hydrogen absorption and desorption in metal-hydride hydrogen...
Hydrogen storage is one of the most important technological issues to be resolved in the move towards a future sustainable hydrogen-based economy. We would like to gain further... -
Further studies of the Mg(BH_{4} )_{2} and parahydrogen
We found evidence of solid para-hydrogen absorbed in Mg(BH_{4} ){2} up to temperatures of 195 K. Para hydrogen was dosed in Mg(BH{4} )_{2} at 50 K. A series of dosings were... -
A series of robust metal-organic frameworks with exceptional capability for h...
We seek to develop new stable MOFs for practical gas separation and request 3 days on WISH to study the preferred binding sites of adsorbed gas molecules (CD4, C2D4 and C2D2)...