Co-creating Employment, Education, and Psychological Wellbeing Workshops with...
A UCL and Islington partnership project meeting young people’s life-skill and mental health needs - study animation codesigned with and for young people for Islington London (UK). -
BPS Psychology in the Arts Talk
Slides for invited BPS talk on Psychology in the Arts on 4 May 2022. -
How do we trust (again)? Paranoia and mental health
A little bit of stress is good for us, but if prolonged, stress can be harmful both physically and mentally. This second webinar in the series focuses on stress, paranoia,... -
Global Covid Study Webinar Report
The UCL-Penn Global COVID Study examines the short- and longer-term effects of COVID-19 on people's mental health, physical health, and social trust in others. This study... -
Vaccine Hesitancy
Attached word clouds generated from the qualitative questions from the UCL-Penn Global COVID Study. Participants were asked: 'Should a vaccine be available to you in the next... -
BE-Well Networking Event Slides & output
Slides and illustration from the BE-Well Networking Lunch event on 20 April 2022. -
A two-wave network analysis of COVID-19’s impact on schizotypal traits and me...
Poster presented at the virtual Congress of Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS) Conference 2021 on 20 April 2021. This poster is based on data collected through... -
I’m alone but not lonely. U-shaped pattern of perceived loneliness during the...
In the past months, many countries have adopted varying degrees of lockdown restrictions to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus. According to the existing literature, some... -
Qualitative and output data on loneliness among young adults
Young adults between the ages of 18-24 are the loneliest age-group in the UK and other Western countries yet little is known about the causes and experiences of their... -
VIPP Protocol - brief.pdf
This is a brief study protocol of the study "A feasibility study and pilot RCT of a modified video-feedback parenting intervention forchildren in foster care with reactive...