The use of 5G in occupational settings and worker exposure
Pre-registration of a scoping review that aims to synthesise peer-reviewed research conducted on 5G in occupational settings and worker exposure since 2015. -
Assessment of Electrical Brain Activity of Healthy Volunteers Exposed to 3.5 ...
Following the recent deployment of fifth-generation (5G) radio frequencies, several questions about their health impacts have been raised. Due to the lack of experimental... -
This repository contains measurement data that are presented in the paper "Modified Dynamic Time Warping with a Reference Path for Alignment of Repeated Drive-Tests" Submitted... -
This repository contains measurement data that are presented in the paper "On the Stability of RSRP and Variability of Other KPIs in LTE Downlink – An Open Dataset" Submitted... -
The electronic structure and magnetic properties of metal nanoparticles stabi...
In recent years, nanoparticles have been a major source of interest in a wide range of fields. Our long term objectives are tuning the free radical reactivity on the surface of... -
Phonon density of states and atomic thermal displacement on the figure of mer...
Quite recently, the high thermoelectric performance has been reported in the MgAgSb-based half Heusler alloys. The ZT values close to 1 at room temperature with a maximum of ZT... -
The Network Dynamics of Ge-Se Glasses and the Intermediate Phase
The objective of this proposal is to characterise the network dynamics for a range of GexSe1-x glasses (0 < x < 1) by using inelastic neutron spectroscopy to measure the... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study in geometrically frustrated magnet BaV10O15.
In orbitally degenerated triangular system it is predicted that orbital ordering and associated local magnetic trimerization to remove frustration. In BaV10O15 lattice... -
High frequency optic-like mode and vibrational density of states in ionic liq...
We propose a comparative study of the high-frequency optic-like mode and Boson peak modes observed in the vibrational density of states (DOS) in the glass phase of the two model... -
Coupling between magnons and phonons in multiferroic tellurides Co3TeO6 and N...
The tellurides, M3TeO6, were recently reported as multiferroic The materials show complex behaviour with a series of commensurate and incommensurate antiferromagnetic phases... -
Persistent geometrical frustration in the distorted spinel lattice
The corner-shared network of tetrahedra is the most well-known lattice exhibiting geometrical frustation of AFM exchanges under cubic symmetry. Even when the lattice symmetry is...