Magnetic and crystal structures of substituted BiFeO3 from high resolution ne...
The multiferroic perovskite BiFeO3 is the only material that displays both ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic order at RT. Significant efforts are aimed at better understanding... -
Pd, Ni, V, Nb and Ti capping layer clamping effects in hydrogen cycling in Ca...
We ask for 8 days of beam time on CRISP to study the absorption and desorption of hydrogen and deuterium in Ti/Mg/Pd trilayer samples. Our specific objective is to understand in... -
Tracking the evolution of nano-precipitates in vanadium micro-alloyed steels ...
Third Generation Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) require higher strength and formability alongside a lower alloying element content for reduced energy consumption and CO2... -
Ordering and interfaces in deuterated semiconducting liquid crystal/polymer s...
The main objective of this proposal is to study the structure of the interface between a semiconducting liquid crystal (LC) and a soft dielectric substrate for their potential... -
SANS study of the effect of thermal annealing on the morphology of bulk heter...
This projects aims to contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between processing conditions, active layer morphology and device performance in polymer solar... -
Probing bulk heterojunction (BHJ) thin films with graded morphologies using SANS
This projects aims to contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between processing conditions, active layer morphology and device performance in polymer solar...