Study of vibron quasibound state in RAg1-xCuxAl3, 0<x<1 (R=Ce and La) through...
We propouse the study of crystal-field or vibron excitations along the series RAgxCu1-xAl3 (R=Ce and La, 0<x<1), where we expect to studing two main aspects. The first one... -
Neutron diffraction and inelastic neutron scattering study on NdT2Al10 (T= Ru...
We have investigated the magnetic structure and crystal field excitations (CEF) of CeT2Al10 (T=Os and Ru). The observed magnetic moment along the c-axis does not agree with that... -
Magnetic and Quadrupolar Excitations in UPd3
UPd3 exhibits four antiferroquadrupolar (AFQ) ordered phases below T0=7.6K. We have determined their order parameters using resonant x-ray diffraction. UPd3 has the dhcp crystal... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study of PrTSi3 (T = Ir, Rh and Ru)
Recently we have synthesized and investigated three new ternary intermetallic compounds PrTSi3 (T = Ir, Rh and Ru) which form in BaNiSn3-type tetragonal structure (space group... -
Inelastic neutron scattering investigations of the high temperature phase tra...
Recently it has been reported that YbAl3C3 undergoes an antiferromagnetic quadrupolar ordering transition at 80 K, Further study by Ochiai et al. revealed that the transition at... -
Ba4Mn3O10 and Sr4Mn3O10 crystallize in an orthorhombic crystal structure consisting of corrugated layers containing Mn3O12 polydedra. The magnetic susceptibility of the... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study on new Mott-insulating oxychalcogenides, L...
La2O2M2OSe2 (M=Fe, Co, Mn) are layered Mott-insulating antiferromagnets with a potential to be a non-copper high-Tc superconductor. All compounds have shown unusual magnetic... -
Melting point dynamics of Confined fluids
This proposal aims to investigate the dynamics of the melting transition in H2O and CO2 when confined in a vycor (SiO2) matrix. The field of fluids in confined geometries is... -
Search for molecular quantization of spin and lattice excitations in the geom...
Geometric frustration is widely accepted as a paradigm to bring out a novel paramagnetic state. Quasielastic paramagnetic scattering has been studied by neutron scattering so... -
Study of vibron stability in CeCuxAl4-x, 0.7x1.1 through inel...
Considering interesting physical properties observed in CeCuxAl4-x our aim is to investigate the stability of vibron excitations, already observed in CeCuAl3, as a function of... -
Inelastic Neutron Scattering study on PrRhSn3
Recently we have investigated the cubic compound PrRhSn3 using the dc and ac susceptibilities and the heat capacity. We found an evidence for the cluster-glass behavior with a... -
Neutron scattering and muSR studies of magnetic phenomena in YFe2Al10: case s...
In strongly correlated electron systems, the proximity to magnetic ordering has been of special interest. Magnetism in this class of systems is often suppressed by the Kondo... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study of spin gap formation in two forms of BaRuO3
Pseudogap phenomena, which are associated with the reduction in the density of states at EF, have been intensively investigated in HTSC, as well in heavy fermion systems through... -
Neutron and muSR study of CePtSi: Non-Fermi liquid behaviour due to avoided m...
Previous studies have pointed to a heavy-electron state in CePtSi with a strongly enhanced electronic specific heat. We have explored the heat capacity, susceptibility and... -
Towards understanding the radical-bridged 4f complexes featuring the highest ...
The discovery of slow relaxation of the magnetization and quantum effects in the single-molecule magnet (SMM) Mn12-ac in 1993 has inspired both physicist and chemist alike. A... -
Study of spin wave and crystal field effect in R2RuO5 (R = Pr, Nd, Tb
R2RuO5 (R = Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb) are known to exhibit interesting physical properties. They all show magnetic ordering between 8 ¿ 24 K. They also show large Sommerfeld... -
Inelastic neutron scattering and µSR studies for the tetragonal layered compo...
Recently discovered tetragonal compounds CeRu2M2X (M=Al and Ga, X=B and C) provide new opportunity to investigate ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic ordering in the same... -
Study of hybridization gap and insulator-metal transition in caged compounds ...
Heavy fermion compounds with a small energy gap opening in the strongly hybridised 4f-band at EF are currently under intensive investigations. Recently some of us have... -
Magnetic excitations in FeCrAs
We propose to carry out inelastic neutron scattering experiments to study magnetic excitation spectrum in FeCrAs. FeCrAs exhibits magnetic ordering around 125 K, which is...