Mixed alkali environment in chalcohalide glasses for optical applications
Heavy alkali halide sulphide and selenide glasses are promising hosts for active and passive optical devices. Lithium and sodium chalcohalide glasses exhibit high ionic... -
Pressure effect on stable and metastable structural phases in geometrically f...
Geometrically frustrated antiferromagnet LuBaCo4O7 exhibits unusual competition between two low-temperature phases with orthorhombic and monoclinic symmetry. Depending on... -
Structures of New Oxides from Total Scattering
Our objective is to determine accurate structural models for some novel oxide materials that we have recently prepared using new synthesis approaches, each of which is formed as... -
Cation environment and the tellurite anomaly
We have recently shown that the anomalous behaviour of the Te-O coordination number, nTeO, for binary tellurite glasses is related to the presence of terminal Te=O bonds in... -
The Structure of Lead Tungstate-Phosphate Glasses
Lead tungstate phosphate glasses are of practical interest due to their electrochromic and photochromic properties, with a wide range of practical applications in smart windows,... -
The Nature Of Magnesium Substitution in Beta-Tricalcium Phosphate
We have a long established interest in the materials used for the immobilisation of nuclear waste from the domestic power industry and legacy waste from various defence... -
Structural investigation of biodegradable Mg-based bulk metallic glass
Mg-Zn-Ca glasses show considerable promise for use as medical implants. Magnesium, zinc and calcium are all elements found within the human body, and the biocompatibility of... -
As2Ch3 glasses: Understanding the relationship between glass structure and no...
We wish to study a series of glasses of composition As2Ch3 (Ch = S, Se and Te) to investigate the effect of varying the chalcogen type on the non-linear optical (NLO) behaviour... -
Structure of novel silica-free titanate glasses
Silica-free barium titanate bulk glasses, containing lanthanide elements, show unusually high dielectric response and a high refractive index. These properties allow crucial... -
Structural Studies of High Level Waste Glass
The aim of this proposal is to develop a methodology to investigate multicomponent glass structure, combining neutron diffraction, XRD, NMR, ab initio MD, and RMC. We wish to... -
The effect of combined modifiers: understanding the interactions between alka...
The mixed alkali effect is a well-known phenomenon whereby combining two alkalis in a ternary glass system can produce physical properties which can be superior to, but cannot... -
The structural role of carbonate groups in glass
We request GEM beamtime to study the structure of samples of sodium silicate glass with and without CO3 carbonate groups. The presence of CO3 carbonate groups in the glasses is... -
Short range static and thermal disorder in glasses and crystals
We seek to use the temperature-dependence of the neutron correlation function to investigate the extent of static disorder in glasses and crystals, and also to investigate the... -
Texture evolution in Zircalloy 4 during beta heat treatment
The aim of the proposed experiment is to measure the changes in crystallographic temperature during beta quenching of Zircalloy 4, an important nuclear fuel cladding material. -
Extending the limits of experimental structure determination of amorphous sub...
Ge-As-Se glasses are interesting for two main reasons: they are widely used in infrared optics and optoelectronics and they serve as model materials for theories of glass... -
Polyhedral connectivity in high lead silicate glasses
We have a long-established interest in the structural role of heavy-metal, lone-pair cations such as Pb in glasses. PbO can be incorporated to very high concentrations in oxide... -
P4Se3 polyamorphic glasses synthesised at high-pressure
PxSe1-x glasses cover almost entire composition range from pure Se to P0.84Se0.16. In addition, red phosphorus is usually also amorphous. The P4Se3 cage compound, situated in... -
Structure of sustainable lead-free low-melting vanadate glass by neutron and ...
V2O5 based glass with a sealing temperature of around 400ºC is now being applied in electronic devices, such as in crystal oscillators and MEMS devices as an alternative sealant... -
The anomalous thallium borate anomaly
We have a continuing interest in the structural role of lone-pair cations in glasses. Thallium oxide behaves unusually in borate glasses, not only in terms of its own... -
New insight on bismuthate glass networks
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