(Appendix) Chemical composition of Fe-Mn nodules from the Pacific Ocean
From 1983 until 1989 NOAA-NCEI compiled the NOAA-MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database from journal articles, technical reports and unpublished sources from other... -
Carbon isotope composition of lipids from bones and host sediments at some st...
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Carbon isotope composition of lipids from bones and host sediments of the Atl...
Carbon in lipids separated from organic matter of fish and marine mammal bones from bottom of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans has d13C values ranging from -21.6 to -25.8 per mil... -
Concentrations of chemical elements in bottom sediments from the Southeast Pa...
Data from the Appendix to the PhD Thesis of the author. Supplement to: Gurvich, Evgeny G (1977): Microelements in bottom sediments from the Southeast Pacific. PP Shirshov... -
Age of bottom sediments and minerals from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans
Application of nuclear geochronology methods in study of recent sedimentation processes, in paleoceanology, tectonics, geomorphology, and other problems associated with... -
Contents of P2O5 and REE in phosphorites from shelves and Pacific seamounts
Recent phosphorites from the Namibian shelf are characterized by low REE contents, depletion in REE compared to host sediments and sharp deficiency of lanthanum and europium. In... -
Carbohydrates in waters and sediments
The book is devoted to study of diagenetic changes of organic matter and mineral part of sediments and interstitial waters of the Pacific Ocean due to physical-chemical and... -
Composition of marine phosphorites and phosphate-bearing sediments
The book deals with behavior of phosphorus and its concentration in oceanic phosphorites. The major stages of marine geochemical cycle of phosphorus including its supply to... -
Abundance and chemical and mineral compositions of nodules from the Pacific O...
The monograph highlights extensive materials collected during expeditions of P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology. We consider facial conditions of nodule formation,... -
Chemical composition in phosphate materials from the ocean floor
Content, distribution patterns, and speciation of Cl in phosphorites and bone phosphate from the ocean floor, as well as in a set of samples from the land are studied. Total Cl... -
Contents of major components, U, and Th in bones and bone debris
Uranium and thorium contents, as well as their distribution patterns have been studied in biogenic phosphates from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Differently lithified fish... -
Contents of P2O5, Corg, Sr, and Ba in phosphorites and host sediments from th...
Sr contents in phosphorites on shelves of the Southwest Africa, and of Chile and Peru increase with degree of their lithification, from 0.05 to 0.28% and from 0.13 to 0.16%... -
Chemical composition of phosphorites from the Peru and Chile shelves
Recent and Late Quaternary shelf phosphorites have low Fe, Ti and Al contents. These elements enter the phosphorites with terrigenous impurities and organic detritus. Ti, Al,... -
Chemical composition of organic matter in ocean sediments
Group composition of organic matter in recent ocean sediments with high Corg content has been studied in detail. It has been shown that organic matter in sediments with Corg... -
(Table 4) Dimension of crystallites of the phosphate mineral and crystal latt...
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(Table 3) Parameters of elementary cells and carbonate-ion contents in carbon...
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(Table 2) Chemical composition of animal teeth and bones and of phosphate roc...
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(Table 6) Sodium contents in the apatite phase of phosphate materials from th...
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(Table 4) Chlorine and sodium contents in bottom sediments, phosphorites, and...
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(Table 1) Contents of chlorine and components of bulk chemical composition in...
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