Popis prebivalstva, gospodinjstev in stanovanj v RS v letu 2002
Namen popisa v letu 2002 je bil zbrati osnovne podatke o prebivalstvu, gospodinjstvih in stanovanjih in stavbah tudi za najnižje teritorialne ravni in za primerjavo s prejšnjimi... -
Registrski popis 2011
Registrski popis 2011 je eno od statističnih raziskovanj rednega dela programa statističnih raziskovanj, ki jih izvaja Statistični urad Republike Slovenije (SURS). Registrski... -
Inovativne oblike bivalnih okolij za starejše ljudi v Sloveniji, 2015
V svetu so uveljavljeni raznoliki modeli stanovanjske oskrbe za starejše. V Sloveniji imamo tudi nekaj primerov lokalnih dobrih praks na področju zagotavljanja storitev za... -
Stanovanjska anketa 2005
Stanovanjska anketa 2005 daje posnetek stanja in trendov na področju stanovanjske oskrbe gospodinjstev v Sloveniji. Skuša artikulirati ključna sodobna razvojna vprašanja... -
1991 Census: Aggregate Data; Great Britain
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The UK censuses took place on 21st April 1991. They were run by the Census Office for Northern... -
1991 Census: Aggregate Data; Northern Ireland
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The UK censuses took place on 21st April 1991. They were run by the Census Office for Northern... -
ADDResponse: European Social Survey Round 6 (UK) Plus Auxiliary Data, 2010-2...
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The ADDResponse study appended geocoded auxiliary data from a range of different sources to UK data from... -
Health and Lifestyle Survey, 1984-1985
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. Following a number of feasibility studies and pilot surveys carried out in 1978, the first Health and... -
Disability in Adolescence, 1977-1979: Psychological and Social Problems of Te...
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The purpose of this study was:to ascertain the nature and extent of psychological and social problems in... -
English House Condition Survey, 1986: Physical Survey
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The English House Condition Survey (EHCS) was a national survey of housing in England, commissioned by... -
Continuous Household Survey, 1988
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Continuous Household Survey (CHS) is one of the largest continuous surveys carried out in Northern... -
Health and Lifestyle Survey: Seven-Year Follow-Up, 1991-1992
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. Following a number of feasibility studies and pilot surveys carried out in 1978, the first Health and... -
Continuous Household Survey, 1990-1991
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Continuous Household Survey (CHS) is one of the largest continuous surveys carried out in Northern... -
Continuous Household Survey, 1987
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Continuous Household Survey (CHS) is one of the largest continuous surveys carried out in Northern... -
Allied Dunbar National Fitness Survey, 1990
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. This large scale survey focuses on the measurement of physical activity patterns and fitness levels of a... -
Health Education Authority National Survey of Activity and Health, 1991
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. This study is a face to face survey which complements the Allied Dunbar National Fitness Survey (ADNFS)... -
Individual Commitment to Lifetime Learning : Individuals' Attitudes, 1993
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Employment Department have commissioned three studies of attitudes to individual commitment to... -
Continuous Household Survey, 1989-1990
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Continuous Household Survey (CHS) is one of the largest continuous surveys carried out in Northern... -
Continuous Household Survey, 1991-1992
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Continuous Household Survey (CHS) is one of the largest continuous surveys carried out in Northern... -
Continuous Household Survey, 1986
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Continuous Household Survey (CHS) is one of the largest continuous surveys carried out in Northern...