Rock magnetic parameters of sediment core PS55/093-1
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Rock magnetic parameters of sediment core PS55/077-5
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Ratio of Intensity of ARM, demagnetized at an alternating field of 100 mT, to...
Ratio of Intensity of ARM, demagnetized at an alternating field of 100 mT, to Intensity of IRM, demagnetized at an alternating field of 100 mT (ARM/IRM). -
Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic of sediment core SO202/1_39-3
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Rock magnetic properties of sediment core GeoB13602-1
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Rock magnetic properties of sediment core GeoB13601-4
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Environmental magnetic analyses along five cross-shore profiles
Surface sediment samples (uppermost 1 - 5 cm) were collected.Project: INTERCOAST - Integrated Coastal Zone and Shelf Sea Research -
(Figure 5) Bivariate scatter plot of magnetic properties from riverine sedime...
Project: INTERCOAST - Integrated Coastal Zone and Shelf Sea Research -
Variation in magnetic properties in riverine sediments of Tauranga Harbour
Project: INTERCOAST - Integrated Coastal Zone and Shelf Sea Research -
Magnetic of sediment core GeoB1713-5
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Volume susceptibility of sediment core GeoB1505-2
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Magnetic of surface sediments
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Magnetic charachterization of surface sediments in the South Atlantic
Surface sediment samples representative for the tropical and subtropical South Atlantic (15°N to 40°S) were investigated by isothermal magnetic methods to delineate magnetic... -
(Figure 6) Rock magnetic and major element ratios presented versus median gra...
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(Figure 2b-h) Magnetic measurements for the Heinrich Stadial 1 and Mid Holoce...
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Magnetic grain size index of sediment core GeoB4313-2 from the Mid-Atlantic R...
For Ca see Funk et al. (2004) dataset: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.734023 -
Magnetic parameters of sediment core GeoB2910-1 from the Sierra Leone Rise
For CaCO3 see Funk et al. (2004) dataset: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.734018 -
Magnetic parameters of sediment core GeoB1523-1 from the Ceará Rise
Age from Funk et al. 2004 / For CaCO3 see Funk et al. (2004) dataset: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.734017 -
Palaeomagnetic (on 8 cm**3 samples) of sediment core MD95-2042
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Magnetizations IRM, ARM of sediment core CO14-GC-07
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