(Table 2) Regional mass trends and acceleration of the Greenland ice sheet fo...
Individual components of SMB-D: cumulative anomalies (w.r.t.1961-1990 mean) in total precipitation (P), melting/run-off (M/R) and discharge (D). Empty cells = statistically not... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and shrimp armor and escape kinematics
Pandalid shrimp use morphological and behavioral defenses against their numerous fish and invertebrate predators. Their rapid tail-flip escape and rigid exoskeleton armor may be... -
Physical oceanography during SONNE cruise SO242/1
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Physical oceanography during SONNE cruise SO239
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Seawater carbonate chemistry and effects of ocean acidification and wariming ...
Ocean acidification and warming (OAW) are pressing contemporary issues affecting marine life and specifically calcifying organisms. Here, we investigated the direct effects of...