The Vertebrate Genomes Project aims to provide annotated reference genome sequences for all vertebrate species. The initial phase is targeting one species per order, although... -
Part of the Vertebrate Genome Project, fish study. This data is part of a pre-publication release. For information on the proper use of pre-publication data shared by the... -
TCR alpha and beta repseq
TCR Repertoire sequencing raw reads TCR alpha and beta for several species -
Transcriptomic analysis of sturgeon embryos in response to chemically induced...
In this study we show that the exposure to genotoxicants (10 nM camptothecin and 20 µM Olaparib) affects embryo development in a stage-dependent manner with early stages being... -
Ar_heads, Acipenser ruthenus RNA-Seq
Transcription factors mediating electroreceptor versus mechanosensory hair cell</p><p>formation in the lateral line of non-teleost ray-finned fishes. -
Developmental changes of opsin gene expression in ray-finned fishes (Actinopt...
Using comparative transcriptomics on a variety of species across the actinopterygian phylogeny, we aim to throw light on general and specific developmental patterns of fish vision. -
Sex determination in Sterlet sturgeon, Acipenser ruthenus
Pool-sequencing of male gDNA pool and female gDNA pool to characterize sex determination in sterlet sturgeon -
Ancient vertebrate dermal armor evolved from trunk neural crest
Bone is an evolutionary novelty of vertebrates, likely to have first emerged as part of ancestral dermal armor that consisted of osteogenic and odontogenic components. Whether... -
RNA_Seq analysis of localization along animal-vegetal axis of Acipenser ruthenus
We performed cryosectioning of oocytes along the animal-vegetal axis (first developmental axis, section A (first animal) to section E (last vegetal), followed by RNA-Seq to... -
Acipenser ruthenus (Sterlet ) Genome sequencing and assembly
A chromosome level assembly -
Nuclear DNA markers for identification of sturgeon species and their hybrids
The goal of the study is to develop a molecular tool for routine identification of sturgeon species. The project should contribute to better, more reliable regulation and... -
Next generation sequencing of chromosome specific libraries of paleotetraploi...
This study is focused on comparison of genetic content of paralogous chromosomes originating from ancient whole-genome duplication in sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus -
Acipenser ruthenus Genome sequencing and assembly
Acipenser ruthenus (Sterlet sturgeon) Genome sequencing and assembly -
Comparison of RNA localization during oogenesis within Acipenser ruthenus and...
In this study we analyzed the spatial and temporal localization of maternal transcripts during oogenesis in Acipenser ruthenus. The occurrence of transcript asymmetry in A....