ORG.one project - Acipenser sturio ULK + LSK, with additional Illumina data
Rapid sequencing of the critically endangered Acipenser sturio as part of the ORG.one project https://org.one/oo. Sequencing was performed with the Ultra Long Kit as well as the... -
Acipenser sturio strain:hybrid sturgeon Transcriptome or Gene expression
To obtain abundant immune relevant genes and immune pathway in the spleen of hybrid sturgeon that were either infected or mock infected with Aeromonas hydrophila -
Comparative study of gene expression during early vertebrate development betw...
Sturgeon and Xenopus is estimated to be separate by about 400 My of evolution. We have collected data on temporal expression profile in Sturgeon in order to compare the level... -
Data underlying the publication: The conservation paradox of critically endan...
The data underlies the publication Brevé et al. (2022).This dataset has data on the industry of sturgeon aquaculture and the occurrences of alien sturgeons in garden ponds and... -
Data underlying the publication: Historical reconstruction of sturgeon (Acipe...
This data set has data on historically reported landings and sales of the anadromous sturgeons, Acipenser sturio and A. oxyrinchus, in NW-Europe (especially in the Rhine, Meuse,...