X-ray computed tomography (CT) greyscale data, laminae counts, highly-branche...
This data publication contains the X-ray computed tomography (CT) greyscale data, manual laminae counts, light laminae sand percent data, highly-branched isoprenoid (HBI) diene... -
Highly Branched Isoprenoids in IODP Hole 318-U1357B
This data publication contains the concentration (in µg/g) of the triene Z and the diene highly branched isoprenoids, along with their ratio, versus depth (in meters below... -
Diatom distribution in IODP Hole 318-U1357B
This data publication contains the relative abundances of the Fragilariopsis curta group (F. curta and F cylindrus) and the Thalassiosira antarctica group (resting spores and... -
Raw (not normalized) X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanning data of IODP Hole 318-...
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Light laminae sand percent from IODP Hole 318-U1357B
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Laminae counts from X-ray Computed Tomography data from IODP Hole 318-U1357B
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HBI data from IODP Hole 318-U1357B
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X-ray Computed Tomography greyscale data from IODP Hole 318-U1357B
This dataset has no description
Annual growth of Laternula elliptica shells from Dumont d'Urville Station (Ad...
Laternula elliptica is one of the largest bivalve mollusk in Antarctic waters. Its shell presents annual growth increments that can be crossdated for the construction of master...