Suriname en Slavernij
Interactieve database-site ontwikkeld door het Nederlands Historisch Data Archief (NHDA) in samenwerking met het Interfacultair Centrum voor Lerarenopleiding... -
Delaktighet för barn och unga med cerebral pares i Uganda: aktivitetsnärvaro ...
AIM: To compare participation attendance and involvement of children and youth (C&Y) with and without cerebral palsy (CP) in a low-income area of eastern Uganda. METHOD:... -
Functional development in children and youth with cerebral palsy in Uganda
AIM To follow the functional development of a population-based cohort of children and youth (C&Y) with cerebral palsy (CP) in rural Uganda and compare their development with... -
Afrint I-III
The project aims to analyse broad based agricultural growth from a gender perspective, and to situate these processes locally, against the backdrop of national agricultural... -
Språkligt utanförskap - identitetens betydelse i ett utvecklingsperspektiv - ...
The project is a sociolinguistic study that investigates language use from a development perspective, with a central aim of identifying the reasons behind code-switching, i.e.... -
Språkligt utanförskap - identitetens betydelse i ett utvecklingsperspektiv - ...
The project is a sociolinguistic study that investigates language use from a development perspective, with a central aim of identifying the reasons behind code-switching, i.e.... -
Rural Energy and Household Forest Values under Varying Management Regimes 2009
The study on Rural Energy and Household Forest Values under Varying Management Regimes was conducted in Ethiopia. The general objective of this survey is to study household... -
Afrint I-III
The project aims to analyse broad based agricultural growth from a gender perspective, and to situate these processes locally, against the backdrop of national agricultural... -
Språkligt utanförskap - identitetens betydelse i ett utvecklingsperspektiv - ...
The project is a sociolinguistic study that investigates language use from a development perspective, with a central aim of identifying the reasons behind code-switching, i.e.... -
Språkligt utanförskap - identitetens betydelse i ett utvecklingsperspektiv - ...
The project is a sociolinguistic study that investigates language use from a development perspective, with a central aim of identifying the reasons behind code-switching, i.e.... -
Rural Energy and Household Forest Values under Varying Management Regimes 2009
The study on Rural Energy and Household Forest Values under Varying Management Regimes was conducted in Ethiopia. The general objective of this survey is to study household... -
Methodik des Geografieunterrichts Quellensicherung und Zugänglichmachung von...
In der DDR wurden seit Beginn der 1970er Jahre zu Lehrerausbildungs- und Forschungszwecken Unterrichtsstunden auf 1-Zoll-Videobändern aufgezeichnet. Über zweihundert dieser... -
Glaziale Serie / Vegetationszonen / Prisma in Kavaliersperspektive Quellensi...
In der DDR wurden seit Beginn der 1970er Jahre zu Lehrerausbildungs- und Forschungszwecken Unterrichtsstunden auf 1-Zoll-Videobändern aufgezeichnet. Über zweihundert dieser... -
The project aims to analyse broad based agricultural growth from a gender perspective, and to situate these processes locally, against the backdrop of national agricultural...