Relative abundances of planktic foraminiferal taxa across the early Eocene in...
Relative abundances of planktic forams genera were determined on 300 specimens on >63 µm fraction. -
Relative abundances of planktic foraminiferal taxa across the early Eocene in...
Relative abundances of planktic forams genera were determined on 300 specimens on >63 µm fraction. -
Proxies of ODP Site 198-1210 (Table S3)
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Proxies of ODP Site 198-1209 (Table S2)
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Planktic foraminiferal test-sizes from oceanic ODP Site 198-1209
Relative abundance based on counts of at least 300 specimens on a smear slides Further funding: FAR (Fondo Ateneo Ricerca, Ferrara University) 2021 R.D.O. fundings (ex 60%) of...